Monday, July 6, 2009

SWM 100pt Sealed (Jedi Academy)

= SWM: 100pt sealed (Jedi Academy)
= Monday, July 6th 2009

I was expecting a few more people than normal for our sealed tournament featuring the new set. Perhaps 5-7. I got a whopping eleven, making this my largest SWM tournament ever! It took a bit more to organize the event. Had to drag out an extra table, prepare an extra map, etc. I had a sealed case of Jedi Academy that I passed out, each player got 1 booster to build 100 points with. We opened 3 Jedi Academy, 1 Bounty Hunters, and 1 Legacy of the Force for our prize pool.

The first thing that was noticed, is that Jedi Academy is a fairly high-point cost set. Some people could make their 100 with two or three characters. Others did it with 4-5. One lucky (or unlucky) player did it with one (Grand Master Luke). This compared to Imperial entanglements where a player could use their whole pack and still not make 100.

The tournament went exceptionally well. A lot of players managed to go 2-0 with a fair number of victory points. We went a total of 4 rounds and Dave managed a 4-0 record with a squad that included (among other things) Darth Plagueis.

With such a large tournament, there was bound to be an interesting question or two. Twice there was a question about lightsaber throw. And yes, it is considered a non-melee attack. And yes, the target does get a cover bonus if they have cover and the force power is Lightsaber Throw 1 or 2 (3 or higher ignores cover).

The other question concerned a character with Force Renewal 1, and subject to the Force corruption ability of an opponent’s character. In this case, it mattered which occurred first, since the character could (theoretically) use the force point gained from force renewal to reroll the save for force corruption. This falls under ‘Simultaneous Effects’ so in this case the player who controls the corrupted character chooses which effect to apply first.

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