Magic: The Gathering
July Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 2,9,16,23,30; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 5,26; 5:30-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic - 2HG: We always do something a bit off for our nights before the pre-release. This time around it is Two-headed giant standard constructed. $7.00 per player. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 12; 5:30-9:00pm.
Magic 2014 Core Set Prerelease!: Come experience the newest core set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday, 13, 11:30 registration; 12:30 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Saturday, 13, 4:30 registration; 5:15 play begins. $25 2HG sealed deck.
Sunday, 13, 11:30 registraiton; 12:15 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Magic 2014 Launch Draft!: Come celebrate the official release of the Magic 2011 core set with a DCI sanctioned Draft. Swiss rounds. $16.00 entry. Prizes based on attendance. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 19: 5:30-9:00.
Highlander / Commander: Participate in the most awesome format ever. Elder Dragon Highlander AKA Commander. 100card singleton commander format. Multi-player with victory points. $7.00 entry. Prizes to be distributed as store credit.
Tuesday: 30th 5:00-9:00pm
Modern Masters (draft): Modern masters is a special reprint set containing a wide variety of cards dating from 8th edition through Lorwyn block. The packs automatically include one foil, and are designed with limited play in mind. Thus, we have set aside the Tuesday after release to be a night to draft with this unique set.
Tues, 2nd 5:30-9:00pm
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Tuesdays 2,9,16,23,30; 4-9pm.
August Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 6,13,20,27; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 2,9,23. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. We expect to draft M13 core set. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 16th 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic (modern): With the release of Modern Masters, I expect a number of people may be willing to try their hand at this exciting non-rotating format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $7 entry. Prizes can be distrubuted as store credit.
Friday: 30th 5:30-9:00pm
Magic GAME DAY!: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. Standard constructed. First place gets a championship mat. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers. Additionall prizes will handed out for this event! Here, you Rule!
Saturday: 10th 11:30am registration opens. 12:30pm start time.
Commander Event: Participate in the most awesome format ever. Elder Dragon Highlander AKA Commander. 100card singleton commander format. Multi-player with victory points. $10.00 entry. Prizes to be distributed as store credit.
Tuesday, 27th: 5:30-9:00pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Tuesdays 6,13,20,27; 5-9pm.
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