Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SWM: 100pt Constructed Tournament

= SWM: 100pt Constructed Tournament
= Monday, September 28th.

Just a regular constructed tournament this week for Star Wars Minis. Decided to switch it up a bit by only allowing 100pts. Seven players showed up for it, and we went our usual 3 rounds. Dave M. had a firm first with a mandalorian squad.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

MtG: Zendikar Pre-release!

= MtG: Zendikar Pre-release!
= Saturday, September 26th.

I usually work on saturdays, so I had to open the store this morning. Started registering my regulars almost immediately after opening. I did have help running the register, so I could focus on being a TO and judge. When packs were finally passed out around 1:00, I had 21 people in my tournament. Which is good because it matched last year's pre-release. However, in terms of people, we also had 16 people enrolled in a Yu-gi-oh tournament, which we had to toss upstairs - just to compare.
The Main event lasted 5 rounds. To allow for the maximum number of people to participate in a draft, I ran a swiss draft after the main event. That event had 12 people, and went 3 rounds. I went home tired and exhausted - but final standings for the main event have been posted at our butler location.

Above - I snapped this one round 2 or 3 of the main event. Because of the tight conditions and floor layout you can't see the other two tables.
Below - This is a photo of my 12 player swiss draft. Yeah, I did have to use tiebreaker 3 to place some players.

Friday, September 25, 2009

MtG: Friday Night Magic

= MtG: Friday Night Magic
= Friday, September 25th.

Twas the night before the pre-release, and all through the store the players were clamoring for their zendi-kar. Seriously though we had 8 people show up for our regular FNM, officially named 'Lorwyn's Last Gasp. Because this was the last FNM we would legally see kithkin or combo-elves haunt our doors. We went three rounds and packed it up. Seriously I would see most of these people the next morning as soon as I opened the gate.

Friday, September 18, 2009

MtG: Friday Night Magic

= MtG: Friday Night Magic
= Friday, September 19th.

If you've been keeping track, we've had a few slower weeks. Well, I just made up for those with a larger tournament. 17 people to be exact. I'm not sure where they all came from, but the six that bussed themselves in from Clarion U. certainly helped. So with that number of people, we went 4 rounds. And luckly enough the rounds proceeded quickly enough that I was able to finish before the store's 9:00 closing time.
Aron S. finished in first place with combo elves. Jessie C. finished second playing grixis control, and Adam H. finished third with Kithkin.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MtG: Magic Sealed Tournament

= MtG: Magic Sealed Tournament
= Tuesday, September 15th.

Every now and then I will run a tournament on what is usually a free-play night. Such happened tonight. We had extra Shadowmoor tournament packs lying around, and with the set cycling out of type 2 soon, this was an opportunity to get rid of them. I knew that this wasn't going to be the highest attended event by far, even with M10 prize, and sure enough we only had 5 people. Not enough to be sanctioned, but enough to run the tournament anyways for fun. As one can expect the decks were .. fairly jank. We played three rounds. Kevin R. managed to take first, and Andrew G took second. I myself was honorable third.

Monday, September 14, 2009

SWM: 150pt Option Play tournament

= SWM: 150pt Option Play tournament
= Monday, September 14th.

Our oddball SWM tournament this month was 150pts, but no force users, and players could use characters from multiple factions. Additionally, the first place prize for the tournament was a sealed box of the clone wars scenario pack - a $40 item. I had six players to start the tournament, and one late entry. We played a total of three rounds. Adam T. won the tournament with a mandalorian squad using Boba Fett, Mercenary Commander. Dave M. took second with a four-faction squad using Moff Nyna Calixte, among others.

Friday, September 11, 2009

MtG: Friday Night Magic - Draft

= MtG: Friday Night Magic
= Friday, September 11th.

So for this FNM, we had our monthly draft. Distributor messed up with the M10, but I had 8 people who were willing to draft shards block - so we did. Actually it was still a good draft. 3 rounds later Aron S. managed to win first with a build using Bant, and Mike R. took second with a Grixis build.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

MtG: Magic Free Play

= MtG: Magic Free Play
= Tuesday, September 8th.

I know I haven't written about our weekly Magic free play in a while, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. This week, for example we had a total of 10-11 people show up to simply play and enjoy the game. The other item of note is that a few people were playing plane chase, which is understandable given it's recent release. There was also some general discussion on what Zendikar holds for the future.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

MtG: Plane chase Launch

= MtG: Plane chase Launch
= Saturday, September 5th

Our plane chase launch was a moderately successful event. There was a fair amount of interest in the product, and we did manage to sell 5-6 decks in the first day. About 4-5 people lingered around to play the game for nearly 6 hours. Unfortunately I was unable to watch any of the games since I was working register at the time, but I heard that that there were some pretty 'epic' plays and games.

Friday, September 4, 2009

MtG: Friday Night Magic

= MtG: Friday Night Magic
= Friday, September 4th.

Our weekly FNM was down to a basic 8 people this week. I don't know, maybe something to do with school re-starting? So Scott J. took it in three rounds playing .. something new, I'm not quite sure what to call it, facing off against Kevin R. in the last round playing mono-black control.