Sunday, December 20, 2015

WPN events Jan, Feb

WPN January Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 5,12,19,26; 5:00-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry.
    Fridays: 8,29; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
    Friday: 15; 5:30-9:00pm.

    Oath of the Gatewatch Pre-release!: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned prerelease event for the latest set. Free Giveaways in each event. Also intro packs will be available for open gaming ($15.00).
    Saturday 16; 11am registration; Play 12noon. $30.00 sealed deck.
    Saturday 16; 4pm registration; Play 5pm. $30.00 sealed deck.
    Sunday, 17; 11:30am registration; Play 12:15; $30.00 Two-headed giant sealed deck.

    Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. This is our super special and allways popular 4 pack $20 entry launch event for the new set.
     Friday: 22; 5:30-9:00pm

    Modern Magic: A special modern constructed launch event for the newest set of magic. Come play modern and win packs of the newest set. $15.00 entry.
    Sunday 24th; 11:30registration; 12:15 start.

WPN Feb Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 2,9,16,23th; 5:00-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. WPN sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 5,12; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. $16.00 entry. WPN sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday: 19th; 5:30-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic-Modern: $10.00 Modern constructed format. For top players, prizes may be calimed as singles.
    Friday: 26th; 5:30-9:00pm

    Grand Prix Trial (detroit); $25.00 Modern Constructed. Competitive REL, decklists required.
    Saturday 6th; 11:00am registration; 12noon -play begins.

    Magic Game Day; $10.00 Standard format. All participants get alternate art promos. Rare promos to top 8. First place gets a playmat.
    Saturday 13th; 11:00am registration; 12noon -play begins.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

WPN events: Dec, Jan

WPN December Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 1,8,15,22,29. 5:30pm.

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 4,11. 5:30pm.

    Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday: 18th. 5:30pm.

    Grand Prix Trial - Detroit: Modern Format. $25 entry. Playmat for 1st place. Competitive REL, decklists required.
    Saturday 12th: 11:00 registration; 12:00 start.

    Draft: Join us for our very special holiday draft, right before the holiday. $30.00 entry. We will be drafting Modern Masters 2015.
    Tuesday, 22nd: 5-9pm.

WPN January Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 5,12,19,26; 5:00-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry.
    Fridays: 8,29; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
    Friday: 15; 5:30-9:00pm.

    Oath of the Gatewatch Pre-release!: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned prerelease event for the latest set. Free Giveaways in each event. Also intro packs will be available for open gaming ($15.00).
    Saturday 16; 11am registration; Play 12noon. $30.00 sealed deck.
    Saturday 16; 4pm registration; Play 5pm. $30.00 sealed deck.
    Sunday, 17; 11:30am registration; Play 12:15; $30.00 Two-headed giant sealed deck.

    Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. This is our super special and allways popular 4 pack $20 entry launch event for the new set.
     Friday: 22; 5:30-9:00pm

    Modern Magic: A special modern constructed launch event for the newest set of magic. Come play modern and win packs of the newest set. $15.00 entry.
    Sunday 24th; 11:30registration; 12:15 start.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

WPN events Nov, Dec.

WPN November Events
    Magic: The Gathering
    Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 3,10,17,24. 5:30pm.

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 6,13,20 5:30pm.

    Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join a crazy Black Friday Draft. $25.00 entry. Every 8 players in attendance will add a special item into a random giveaway. Including (but not limited to) From the Vault Angels, Duel decks, Battle for Zendikar Fat Pack, clash pack or event deck. Note multiple events planned.
    Friday: 27th. 1:00- 4:30; 5:30-9pm

    Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
    Wednesdays 4,11,18,25; 6-9pm.

WPN December Events
    Magic: The Gathering
    Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 1,8,15,22,29. 5:30pm.

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 4,11. 5:30pm.

    Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday: 18th. 5:30pm.

    Grand Prix Trial - Detroit: Modern Format. $25 entry. Playmat for 1st place. Competitive REL, decklists required.
    Saturday 12th: 11:00 registration; 12:00 start.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

WPN events Oct, Nov

WPN October Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays; 6,13,20,30th; 5:30-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 9,30; :30-9:00pm.

    Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday: 16; 5:30-9:00pm.

    Friday Night Magic (modern): Try your hand at this exciting non-rotating format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be claimed as singles for top players.
     Friday: 23rd 5:30-9:00pm

    Game Day: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. 3packs prize pool per player. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
    Saturday: 24th 11:00am registration opens. 12:00noon start time.

    Box event: Style your newest Standard tech against other homebrews for significant prizes. $15 entry. Every 8 players means we hand out annother box of product.
    Sunday, 11th 11:15 registration; 12:15 start.

    Grand Prix Trial - Pittsburgh: Modern Format. $25 entry. Playmat for 1st place. Competitive REL, decklists required.
    Saturday 31st: 11:00 registration; 12:00 start.

    Dungeons & Dragons
    Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters.
    Wednesdays 7,14,21,28th -6pm

WPN November Events
    Magic: The Gathering
    Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 3,10,17,24. 5:30pm.

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 6,13. 5:30pm.

    Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join a crazy Black Friday Draft. $25.00 entry. Every 8 players in attendance will add a special item from duel decks to From the Vault: Angels into a random giveaway. Note multiple events planned.
    Friday: 27th. 1:00- 4:30; 5:30-9pm

    Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
    Wednesdays 4,11,18,25; 6-9pm.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

WPN events Sept, Oct

WPN September Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Casual Play: Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 1,8,15,22,29th; 5:00-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 4,11th. 5:30-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic - 2 Headed Giant; Standard format. $10.00 entry.
3 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday: 25th. 5:30-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic - Draft. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday 18th. 5:30-9pm.

    Grand Prix Trial - Pittsburgh: Modern Format. $25 entry. Playmat for 1st place. Competitive REL, decklists required.
    Saturday 12th: 11:00 registration; 12:00 start.

    Battle for Zendikar Prerelease: Come experience the newest set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Our first exposure to Battle for Zendikar. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below.
    Saturday, 26, 11:00 registration; 12:00 start. $30 sealed deck.
    Saturday, 26, 4:15 registration; 5:15 start. $30 sealed deck.
    Sunday, 27, 11:30 registraiton; 12:15 start. $30 2-headed giant sealed deck.

    Dungeons & Dragons
    Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters Lv 1-4. Geared towards casual play.
    Wednesdays 2,9,16,23; 6:30pm

WPN October Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays; 6,13,20,30th; 5:30-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2pack­­s prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 9,30; :30-9:00pm.

    Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. 2packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday: 16; 5:30-9:00pm.

    Friday Night Magic (modern): Try your hand at this exciting non-rotating format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be claimed as singles for top players.
     Friday: 23rd 5:30-9:00pm

    Game Day: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. 3packs prize pool per player. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
    Saturday: 24th 11:00am registration opens. 12:00noon start time.

    Box event: Style your newest Standard tech against other homebrews for significant prizes. $15 entry. Every 8 players means we hand out annother box of product.
    Sunday, 11th 11:15 registration; 12:15 start.

    Grand Prix Trial - Pittsburgh: Modern Format. $25 entry. Playmat for 1st place. Competitive REL, decklists required.
    Saturday 31st: 11:00 registration; 12:00 start.

    Dungeons & Dragons
    Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters.
    Wednesdays 7,14,21,28th -6pm

Thursday, July 23, 2015

WPN events August, Sept

WPN August Events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New players welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 4,11,18,25; 5:00-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs into prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 7,14. 5:30-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic - From the Vault: Standard type 2 constructed event. $15 entry. First place to recieve a From the Vault: Angels. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 21nd: 5:30-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic (modern): Try your hand at this exciting non-rotating format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $15 entry. Prizes can be distrubuted as singles.
Friday: 28th 5:30-9:00pm

Magic GAME DAY!: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. Standard constructed. First place gets a championship mat. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
Saturday: 8th 11:30am registration opens. 12:30pm start time.

Modern Masters Draft: Draft Modern Masters, with Modern Masters Prize support. 2 packs per player into the pool per entry. $45 entry. Prizes for top players may also be claimed as singles.
Sunday: 9th: 12:20 draft begins.

Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters - Experience the triumphunt return of D&D encounters. The new 5th edition is beutifullly designed, and there is no better way to experience it than grabbing your dice, character sheets and coming in for encounters!
Wednesdays 4,12,19,26th; 7pm.

WPN September events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 1,8,15,22,29th; 5:00-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 4,11th. 5:30-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic - 2 Headed Giant; Standard format. $10.00 entry.
3 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 25th. 5:30-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic - Draft. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday 19th. 5:30-9pm.

Grand Prix Trial - Pittsburgh: Modern Format. $25 entry. Playmat for 1st place. Competitive REL, decklists required.
Saturday 12th: 11:00 registration; 12:00 start. 

Battle for Zendikar Prerelease: Come experience the newest set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Our first exposure to Battle for Zendikar. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below.
Saturday, 26, 11:00 registration; 12:00 start. $30 sealed deck.
Saturday, 26, 4:15 registration; 5:15 start. $30 sealed deck.
Sunday, 27, 11:30 registraiton; 12:15 start. $30 2-headed giant sealed deck.

Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters Lv 1-4. Geared towards casual play.
Mondays: 8,15,22,29th; 6:30pm

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Setting Goals and Situations - From the floor of SCG Columbus Modern Open

SCG Columbus (Modern Open, Standard and Legacy IQ)

    The Head Judges
Modern Open Head Judge - Federico Donner - L3 - Montevideo, Uruguay
Standard Premier IQ Head Judge - Jeremy Behunin - L3 - Ogden, UT
Legacy Premier IQ Head Judge - Jon Goud - L2 - Dartmouth, Canada

    My Team Leads
Floor Team Lead - Michael McCliment – L2 – Montreal, Canada
Shared Deck Check Lead – Abraham Corson – L3 – Alexandria, Virginia

    Other Awesome judges I got into really good conversations with.
Karl Weisling – L2 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
David Hanson – L1 – Sparta, Wisconsin


    This particular event marked a few firsts for myself, and as a result I tried to anticipate some of the differences I might encounter. First, this marks the first time I have traveled to an event that was more than simply Magic, related. This particular weekend held host to the Origins Game Fair. Probably among the top gaming shows focused on board and card games. I anticipated that being part of such a larger event would be slightly awesome, as well as significantly larger than some prior Opens I've been to.

    It also feels somewhat odd to admit that this was my first multi-day event. My expectations for this piece of the puzzle was somewhat more negative. I expected to be much more tired, my feet to hurt more, and my performance as a whole to suffer over the weekend. Fortunately, while I must admit that this was at least partially true, I found myself coping much better than I thought I would. Through personal pacing and good management of judges from team leads and SCG staff, I had a very good experience over the weekend, and would do it again without any worries.

    Also of note, this was also the first time I have worked an SCG Invitational weekend. Fortunately (or not) the events were well segregated (on opposite ends of the hall), and I did not interact with any of the invitational related festivities.

    Setting Goals

    Early in the day Michael challenged myself, as well as others on our team to come up with a specific aspect of judging, and what we could do (specifically) to improve/ work on said aspect. It was a great approach that allowed me to focus my efforts, and provide a framework through which I can reflect and appraise my own work.

    So the aspect of judging that I tagged for myself this weekend was communication with players, specifically the customer service angle. The items on my agenda were to ask good questions to identify the situation or problem at hand; and also to provide a good closure to any call.


    The Player who calls me to the table informs me that they just played a land, but have not yet drawn a card. My gut reaction is call this out of order sequencing. This is probably due to my exposure to a lot of casual play where the exact sequence of untap-upkeep-draw, play a land is often done out of order. Also at REG REL we don't impart any penalties for such minor errors. Here at competitive REL this exact situation is a game rules violation. Simply because there are game rules about the sequencing of the phases of the turn. While I ended up going with that initial impression, this is one situation that I look back on and wonder if I didn't make a mistake, or simply could have done better.

    The Player who calls me to the table has just cast an Ornithopter, and his opponent has attempted to Lightning Bolt it. The problem is the active player has priority after any spell or ability resolves, and in this case wants to do something with it (cast another spell – to turn on Metalcraft for Mox Opal). Depending on what's been going on previously with these two and the details this can be either a GPE-GRV, or simply a communication problem (Not a TE-CPV). I opt for the former.

    The most frequently asked rules question during the modern event involves the interaction between Spellskite and Kolaghan's Command. Spellskite's ability only changes a single target of a spell with multiple targets. Each mode of Kolaghan's Command requires the controller to choose a target, but because the word 'target' is used in each mode the same object can be legally chosen for multiple modes as long as it is legal for both. Thus if A uses Kolaghan's Command to 'destroy target artifact' choosing N's mox opal, and deal 2 damage to N's Ornithopter that is legal. It is also legal for N to activate Spellskite once to change one of those modes to target Spellskite, and even activate it again to change the target of the remaining mode to Spellskite.

    The most curious rules question I fielded on the weekend came out of the 2HG sealed deck on Saturday. This interaction has nothing to do with the fact that a 2HG game was being played. So one player (N) has a face-up Jeskai infiltrator on the battlefield which reads in part 'When Jeskai Infiltrator deals combat damage to a player, exile it and the top card of your library in a face-down pile, shuffle that pile, then manifest those cards.' An opponent (A) asks if he casts Mob Rule choosing 'Gain control of all creatures with power 3 or less until end of turn. Untap those creatures. They gain haste until end of turn.' and manages to trigger the infiltrator, what will happen?

    It's actually a rather easy ruling. As the player who now controls the Infiltrator, (A) would also control the trigger, and the be the player to manifest cards. As added bonus, because the trigger exiles the Infiltrator and brings it back to the battlefield, it is no longer the same object, and (A) essentially gets to keep the Infiltrator until it dies. What I found most peculiar about this scenario is that when we exile (N)'s infiltrator and the top card of (A)'s library and shuffle them, we end up with a game state where everyone knows where the Infiltrator is because (A) and (N)'s sleeves differ. A slightly awkward result of the way the card is designed and the fact that people tend to play with sleeves.

    Observations and Reflections

    Sometimes asking good questions involves repeating back to the player what they have just told you (to the best of your understanding). This can be especially helpful if some of the original situation was given to you out of sequence. Also repeating questions to both players can give you a better idea of their mutual game state.

    Closure is not a hard thing. Certainly it seems easier than investigating a judge call. I found a simple phrase such as “You guys are good to go.” or simply thanking the players for calling a judge before leaving the table is adequate enough. Yet it remains something that I don't see a lot of other judges doing.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

WPN Events July, Aug

WPN July Events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 7,14,21,28; 5:30-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 3,24,31; 5:30-9:00pm.

Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $15 entry. Top players may claim singles instead of packs as prizes.
Friday, 10th 5:30-9:00pm.

Magic Origins Prerelease!: Come experience the newest set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday, 11th 11:00 registration; 12noon play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Saturday, 11th 4:30 registration; 5:15 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Sunday, 12th 11:30 registration; 12:15 play begins. $30 two-headed giant sealed deck.

Magic Origins Launch Draft!: Come celebrate the official release of the Magic Origins set with a DCI sanctioned Draft. Draft 4 packs of Magic Origins. $20.00 entry. Prizes based on attendance. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 17: 5:30-9:00.

Magic Origins Sealed Deck: One of the best ways to enjoy a new set is to play sealed deck. This launch event features packs of the newest Magic core set. $30.00 entry. Prizes based on attendance. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday 20th: 11:30 registration; 12:15 Play begins.

WPN August Events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New players welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 4,11,18,25; 5:00-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs into prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 7,14. 5:30-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic - From the Vault: Standard type 2 constructed event. $15 entry. First place to recieve a From the Vault: Angels. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 21nd: 5:30-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic (modern): Try your hand at this exciting non-rotating format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $20 entry. Prizes can be distrubuted as singles.
Friday: 28th 5:30-9:00pm

Magic GAME DAY!: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. Standard constructed. First place gets a championship mat. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
Saturday: 8th 11:30am registration opens. 12:30pm start time.

Modern Masters Draft: Draft Modern Masters, with Modern Masters Prize support. 2 packs per player into the pool per entry. $45 entry. Prizes for top players may also be claimed as singles.
Sunday: 2nd: 12:20 draft begins.

Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters - Experience the triumphunt return of D&D encounters. The new 5th edition is beutifullly designed, and there is no better way to experience it than grabbing your dice, character sheets and coming in for encounters!
Wednesdays 4,12,19,26th; 7pm.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

WPN events May, June

WPN May Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 5,12,19,26th; 5:00-9:00pm.

    Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry.
    Fridays: 1,8,29; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic (draft): $16.00 entry. Dragons of Tarkir.
    Fridays: 15; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic (draft): $40.00 entry. Modern Masters.
    Friday: 22; 5:30 - 9:00pm

    Casual Magic - 2-Headed Giant Draft: Teams sit together, and select 2 cards at a time from each pack. For this event we are some using some very special (and terrible) NDC exclusive packs! $10.00 a head.
    Tuesday, May 19; 5:20-9:00pm

    Dungeons & Dragons
Free Play: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons.
    Wednesdays 6,13,20,27; 6:30-9pm.

WPN June Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 2,9,16,23,30

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 5,12; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly draft event. $16.00 entry. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday 19; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Undefeated players may claim prizes as singles.
    Friday, May 26th 5:30-9:00pm

    Conspiracy Draft: Come join us for perhaps our last forray into the crazy multi-player chaos that is Conspiracy. $15 Draft. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Tuesday 16th 5:20-9pm;

Thursday, April 2, 2015

WPN events: April, May

WPN April Events
    Magic: The Gathering
    Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 7,14,21,28; 5:30-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 3,10; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic - Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. $16.00 entry. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday, 17th; 5:30-9:00pm

    Game Day: Dragons of Tarkir: $10 entry. All players recieve an extended art promotional card with entry. Foil promos to top 8 players. Playmat for 1st place. Prize pool = 3 packs per player.
    Saturday, 18th; 11:00am registration; 11:30 start time.

    Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ my 'flexable' prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
    Friday: 24; 5:30-9:00pm

    Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
    Wednesdays 1,8,15,22,29; 6-9pm.

WPN May Events
    Magic: The Gathering
    Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 5,12,19,26th; 5:00-9:00pm.

    Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry.
    Fridays: 1,8,29; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic (draft): $16.00 entry. Dragons of Tarkir.
    Fridays: 15; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic (draft): $40.00 entry. Modern Masters.
    Friday: 22; 5:30 - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
    Tues, May 30th 5:30-9:00pm

    Dungeons & Dragons
Free Play: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons.
    Wednesdays 6,13,20,27; 6:30-9pm.

Monday, February 23, 2015

WPN events; March-April

WPN March Events
Magic: The Gathering

    Win-a-Box: Standard constructed. $15 entry. 1st place to recieve a sealed booster display of current magic product. Part of our Buter-Con gaming events.
    Sunday March 1st; 11:30 Registration; 12:15 start.

    "Horrible Chaos" Draft. $12 entry. Each player to recieve 4 'very special' packs to draft with. Prizing similar to our regular FNM events. Part of our Buter-Con gaming events.
    Sunday March 1st; 11:30 Registration; 12:30 start.

    Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays, March 3,10,17,24, 31st. 5:30-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays, March 6,13 5:30-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
    Friday: 20; 5:30-9:00pm.

    Dragons of Tarkir Pre-release!: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned prerelease event for the Dragons of Tarkir set. Free Giveaways in each event. Also intro packs will be available for open gaming ($15.00).
    Saturday 21; 10:30am registration; Play 11:30. $30.00 sealed deck.
    Saturday 21; 4pm registration; Play 5pm. $30.00 sealed deck.
    Sunday, 22; 11:30am registration; Play 12:15; $30.00 Two-headed giant sealed deck.

    Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. $20.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. This is a Dragons of Tarkir Launch Event. Promos for all participants.
    Friday, March 27st. 5:30-9:00pm

    Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
    Wednesdays 4,11,18,25; 6-9pm.

WPN April Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 7,14,21,28; 5:30-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 3,10; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic - Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday, 17th; 5:30-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ my 'flexable' prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
    Friday: 24; 5:30-9:00pm

    Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
    Wednesdays 1,8,15,22,29; 6-9pm.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

WPN Events Feb, March

WPN Feburary Events

Magic: The Gathering

Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 3,10,17,24th; 5:00-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. WPN sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 6,13,27; 5:30pm – 9:00pm

Fate Reforged Game Day: Standard type 2 constructed. $10.00 entry. Promos for all participants. A special foil promo for top8; Playmat for 1st place. Also 3packs into the prize pool per player.
Saturday, Friday 14; 10:30 registration; 11:30 start;

Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. $16.00 entry. WPN sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 20th; 5:30-9:00pm

Magic Grand Prix Trial: Khans of Tarkir Block Sealed Deck. Competitive REL event. Pool registration & swap. Feeds Grand Prix Cleveland 2015. $30.00 entry. Prize Pool 3 packs per player.
Saturday, Feb 7th; 10:30 registration; 11:30 start.

Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
Wednesdays 4,11,18,25; 6-9pm.

WPN March Events

Magic: The Gathering
Win-a-Box: Standard constructed. $15 entry. 1st place to recieve a sealed booster display of current magic product. Part of our Buter-Con gaming events.
Sunday March 1st; 11:30 Registration; 12:15 start.

"Horrible Chaos" Draft. $12 entry. Each player to recieve 4 'very special' packs to draft with. Prizing similar to our regular FNM events. Part of our Buter-Con gaming events.
Sunday March 1st; 11:30 Registration; 12:30 start.

Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays, March 3,10,17,24, 31st. 5:30-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays, March 6,13 5:30-9:00pm

Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
Friday: 20; 5:30-9:00pm.

Dragons of Tarkir Pre-release!: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned prerelease event for the Dragons of Tarkir set. Free Giveaways in each event. Also intro packs will be available for open gaming ($15.00).
Saturday 21; 10:30am registration; Play 11:30. $30.00 sealed deck.
Saturday 21; 4pm registration; Play 5pm. $30.00 sealed deck.
Sunday, 22; 11:30am registration; Play 12:15; $30.00 Two-headed giant sealed deck.

Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. $20.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. This is a Dragons of Tarkir Launch Event. Promos for all participants.
Friday, March 27st. 5:30-9:00pm

Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
Wednesdays 4,11,18,25; 6-9pm.

Monday, January 5, 2015

WPN Events Jan, Feb

WPN January Events
    Magic: The Gathering

    Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 6,13,20,27; 5:00-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry.
    Fridays: 2,9,30; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Anthologies Anhilation: Chaos constructed event. Each player will recieve (randomly) a deck out of the Duel Deck: Anthologies boxed set each round. $20.00 entry. Each player will walk away with one of the decks out of the Duel Deck: Anthologies boxed set. In addtion to pack prizing based on final match points.
    Sunday 11; 12:15 – 5pm.

    Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
    Friday: 16; 5:30-9:00pm.

    Fate Reforged Pre-release!: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned prerelease event for the Fate Reforged set. Free Giveaways in each event. Also intro packs will be available for open gaming ($15.00).
    Saturday 17; 11 registration; Play 12noon. $30.00 sealed deck.
    Saturday 17; 4pm registration; Play 5pm. $30.00 sealed deck.
    Sunday, 18; 11:30am registration; Play 12:15; $30.00 Two-headed giant sealed deck.

    Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. This is a launch event for Fate Reforged. $16.00 entry. Promos for each participant.
     Friday: 23; 5:30-9:00pm

Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
    Wednesdays 7,14,21,28; 6-9pm.

WPN Feburary Events
Magic: The Gathering

    Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays:  3,10,17,24th; 5:00-9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. WPN sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 6,13,27; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. $16.00 entry. WPN sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday: 20th; 5:30-9:00pm

    Magic Grand Prix Trial: Khans of Tarkir Block Sealed Deck. Competitive REL event. Pool registration & swap. Feeds Grand Prix Cleveland 2015. $30.00 entry.
    Saturday, Feb 7th; 10:30 registration; 11:30 start.

    Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
    Wednesdays 4,11,18,25; 6-9pm.