Thursday, April 17, 2014

WPN events: May, June

WPN May Events
    Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 6,13,20,27th; 5:00-9:00pm.

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 9,23,; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Draft Event. Drafting Return to Ravnica Block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 2,16; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Journey into Nyx Launch!: Celebrate the official launch of the Magic set Dragon's Maze in this Draft event. $20.00 entry. Special 4 pack draft format! DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Everyone who enters to receive a promotional foil. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday: 2rd; 5:30-9:00pm.

    Journey into Nyx Launch!: What's great about a new set? Sealed deck that's what! This second launch event will be capped at 3 rounds, and use Journey into Nyx prerelease packs (if product allows). $25 entry. Everyone who enters to receive a promotional foil. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Sunday, 4th: Registration noon; 12:30-5pm.

    Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
    Tues, May 30th 5:30-9:00pm

    Journey into Nyx Game Day: Experience the power of play. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers. Playmat for 1st place. Here you Rule! $10.00 entry. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Saturday 24th; 11:30 registration; 12:30-6:00pm

    Kaijudo, Rise of the Duel Masters
    Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
    Saturdays: 3,10,17,31; 5-9pm

    Kaijudo Set Primere: Quest for the gauntlet. $25 sealed deck.
    Saturday, 31st; 4-9pm.

WPN June Events

    Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
    Tuesdays: 3,10,17,24

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Fridays: 6,13; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly draft event. Drafting Theros Block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Friday 20; 5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
    Friday 27th; 5:30 -9:00pm

    Conspiracy Draft: It's a crazy casual draft using packs of conspiracy! Each player gets 4 packs of Consipracy to draft with. Players are then randomly assigned to groups of 3-5 to play a single multiplayer game using their draft decks. There will be prizes (packs of conspiracy if product allows). Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
    Sunday 8th 12:15-5pm; Tuesday 10th 5-9pm.

    Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
    Saturday 7,14,21,28; 5-9pm.