WPN December Events
Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 2,9,16,30. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 5,12. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 19th. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Here, you rule. Modern constructed event. This format includes cards from 8th edition and Mirrodin block forward. $10.00 Entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 26th. 5:30pm.
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
Wednesdays 3,10,17,31; 6-9pm.
WPN January Events
Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 6,13,20,27; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry.
Fridays: 2,9,30; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
Friday: 16; 5:30-9:00pm.
Fate Reforged Pre-release!: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned prerelease event for the Fate Reforged set. Free Giveaways in each event. Also intro packs will be available for open gaming ($15.00).
Saturday 17; 11am registration; Play 12noon. $30.00 sealed deck.
Saturday 17; 4pm registration; Play 5pm. $30.00 sealed deck.
Sunday, 18; 11:30am registration; Play 12:15; $30.00 Two-headed giant sealed deck.
Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. This is a launch event for Fate Reforged. $16.00 entry.
Friday: 23; 5:30-9:00pm
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
Wednesdays 7,14,21,28; 6-9pm.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
SCGIQ - Tarentum; Head Judge Report
Star City Games IQ – Tarentum
Head Judge Tournament Report
Competitive; Standard
For this particular event, I found myself wearing many hats. I was Judge Manager, and responsible for securing staff for the event. I was Head Judge, responsible for identifying tasks and goals, and delegating responsibilities. I was Scorekeeper, and had to keep track of the event as it progressed. I'm going to discuss various aspects of all of these roles.
Tournament Organizer: Jonathan Engel
Head Judge / Scorekeeper: Dan Regewitz (myself)
Floor Judge: Christopher Hartman
Floor Judge: Chelsea Hogan
55 awesome players.
= Preparation
I originally lined up this event with Jon after I had just completed a 50 player GPT with myself as the only judge. As that event was a little stressful for me personally I knew this event, we were going to need at least one other judge. Fortunately, we had a lot of time to consider what we needed to do and how for the event, as it took some time to get permission to run the event from the owner (this was the company's first SCG-IQ), as well as order and receive the tournament kit.
So as Judge manager, I created an event on Judge apps, made a call out for other judges, and had to turn at least one judge away entirely. This was all new to me, as I had never formally acted as a judge manager for a multi-judge event before. I knew that I needed some judges. As our planning continued, it became clear that my tournament role would mostly likely be scorekeeper AND head judge. So, I knew not to count myself for 'floor coverage'. Our estimated attendance was 30-60 players, which we did hit. So our target was 2 floor judges, with a third possibly on standby in case something crazy happened.
Overall I prepared well, even making notes for myself on what to cover in the pre-event judge meeting, and player meeting. I also took some steps that were clearly over-preparing. For example, I packed my own laptop and printer to the event – again just in case something catastrophic occurred.
= Score keeping
My experiences as Scorekeeper are perhaps the least exciting. As a local judge and TO, I have had close to 5 years of experience working with tournament software (first DCIR, now WER), and was fairly confident that I could score keep a competitive REL event. I vaguely recall a few moments where things were a little hectic, however barring a hiccup or two, the day was without severe incident.
Christopher showed me the wondrous multiprint feature, which I had not had the opportunity to use previously, and that certainly made things go smoothly.
I in turn, was able to show him the WER fixed seating workaround. For those unfamiliar with this, WER does not have a function where you can fix a player to a certain table number. However, you sometimes want to do this to make the day easier for people with crutches, or a cane, etc. The workaround involves pairing all matches randomly, finding the player whose seat you want to fix, and unpairing them. Then, you find and unpair the table you want to fix them to. Then you repair the 4 players correctly, in table order.
The only other scorekeeper note I have for this event, is one match where the players finished game 2 in turns, and were 1/1, but the slip was filled out 1/1/1. So in this case, no third game was played, and I took the liberty to fix the slip after clarifying the situation with Chelsea.
= Head Judge
As an experienced lv1, I have had my turn at being Head Judge in various situations. However, as luck or providence would have it, this was my first event as Head Judge where other judges were under my direction. This changes the focus of what I need to do and think about in terms of the event. In context, being head judge in such a situation is a lot more about defining tasks, giving instructions, and delegating responsibility.
In terms of defining tasks: It's pretty easy to identify the various pieces that go into running a successful event. The timely posting of pairings, the distribution of match-slips near the beginning of round, Deck checks, and the coverage of the floor throughout the event. It is quite another thing to meld these items into a cohesive whole. I found it helpful to imagine things as they would occur in an actual tournament environment, come up with a proper sequence, try to think about potential snag-points, and modify accordingly. Lastly, although you have this wonderful plan, don't be afraid to modify it based on what is actually going on in the live event.
Just as an example, I announced the start of the round, but was having difficulties projecting properly on the day. Thus some players had started their match and some had not. Chris re-announced the start of round more robustly, but because of the confusion included we skipped the beginning of round deck check for that round, pulling a mid-round instead.
Giving Instructions: So as head judge I had two sets of notes. One was information I was going to go over with the judges at our judge meeting. This largely included the tasks that identified, and the way in which I imagined them being executed. The other set of notes was for the player meeting, and included information for them: please check your deck lists for errors, what competitive REL means, and so forth. The point is that communication is a big piece of being head judge.
There are two instances where my communication to the players broke down a bit. The first is I simply had issues projecting. This is an issue I had throughout the day, though my end-of-round announcements went smoothly. I am simply accustomed to being a quiet speaker, and need more practice making these sorts of announcements.
I had planned to make an announcement going into the final rounds of the event with an instruction that players should be playing magic, or shaking hands, and not improperly determining winner, or attempting bribery. This announcement was unintentionally skipped due to other issues that had to be dealt with – a direct result of my multiple tournament roles.
= Other notes
On the day, I was called in on an appeal twice. The first case involved a player who called judge upon discovering their opponent counting 59 card main deck, 16 card sideboard, in between games 1 and 2. Christopher was the responding judge. It was his ruling that as we are currently between games, no penalty is issued. This ruling was upheld.
The other case involved Player N cast Magma Jet targeting Prognostic Sphinx. Player A discarded a card to give the Sphinx Hexproof. Chelsea was the responding judge. It was her ruling that the spell will resolve and do as much as possible, allowing Player N to scry 2. This was overturned. As Magma jet goes to resolve, we check to see if the target is legal, and it is not because of hexproof. As a result the spell is countered by the game rules and none of it's effects occur (CR 602.8b).
A small hiccup occurred in logistics. A player asked me as were entering round 4 (of 6) if standings had been posted at all. They had not, and I did want to post standings at the end of round 3, as that was the half-way point for the event. I thanked the player and made a note to post standings end of round 4. Standings were posted, but then I quickly forgot to pair round 5 before printing pairings and match-slips. This resulted in duplicate pairings, which we had to quickly retract. Fortunately I caught the error quickly.
Head Judge Tournament Report
Competitive; Standard
For this particular event, I found myself wearing many hats. I was Judge Manager, and responsible for securing staff for the event. I was Head Judge, responsible for identifying tasks and goals, and delegating responsibilities. I was Scorekeeper, and had to keep track of the event as it progressed. I'm going to discuss various aspects of all of these roles.
Tournament Organizer: Jonathan Engel
Head Judge / Scorekeeper: Dan Regewitz (myself)
Floor Judge: Christopher Hartman
Floor Judge: Chelsea Hogan
55 awesome players.
= Preparation
I originally lined up this event with Jon after I had just completed a 50 player GPT with myself as the only judge. As that event was a little stressful for me personally I knew this event, we were going to need at least one other judge. Fortunately, we had a lot of time to consider what we needed to do and how for the event, as it took some time to get permission to run the event from the owner (this was the company's first SCG-IQ), as well as order and receive the tournament kit.
So as Judge manager, I created an event on Judge apps, made a call out for other judges, and had to turn at least one judge away entirely. This was all new to me, as I had never formally acted as a judge manager for a multi-judge event before. I knew that I needed some judges. As our planning continued, it became clear that my tournament role would mostly likely be scorekeeper AND head judge. So, I knew not to count myself for 'floor coverage'. Our estimated attendance was 30-60 players, which we did hit. So our target was 2 floor judges, with a third possibly on standby in case something crazy happened.
Overall I prepared well, even making notes for myself on what to cover in the pre-event judge meeting, and player meeting. I also took some steps that were clearly over-preparing. For example, I packed my own laptop and printer to the event – again just in case something catastrophic occurred.
= Score keeping
My experiences as Scorekeeper are perhaps the least exciting. As a local judge and TO, I have had close to 5 years of experience working with tournament software (first DCIR, now WER), and was fairly confident that I could score keep a competitive REL event. I vaguely recall a few moments where things were a little hectic, however barring a hiccup or two, the day was without severe incident.
Christopher showed me the wondrous multiprint feature, which I had not had the opportunity to use previously, and that certainly made things go smoothly.
I in turn, was able to show him the WER fixed seating workaround. For those unfamiliar with this, WER does not have a function where you can fix a player to a certain table number. However, you sometimes want to do this to make the day easier for people with crutches, or a cane, etc. The workaround involves pairing all matches randomly, finding the player whose seat you want to fix, and unpairing them. Then, you find and unpair the table you want to fix them to. Then you repair the 4 players correctly, in table order.
The only other scorekeeper note I have for this event, is one match where the players finished game 2 in turns, and were 1/1, but the slip was filled out 1/1/1. So in this case, no third game was played, and I took the liberty to fix the slip after clarifying the situation with Chelsea.
= Head Judge
As an experienced lv1, I have had my turn at being Head Judge in various situations. However, as luck or providence would have it, this was my first event as Head Judge where other judges were under my direction. This changes the focus of what I need to do and think about in terms of the event. In context, being head judge in such a situation is a lot more about defining tasks, giving instructions, and delegating responsibility.
In terms of defining tasks: It's pretty easy to identify the various pieces that go into running a successful event. The timely posting of pairings, the distribution of match-slips near the beginning of round, Deck checks, and the coverage of the floor throughout the event. It is quite another thing to meld these items into a cohesive whole. I found it helpful to imagine things as they would occur in an actual tournament environment, come up with a proper sequence, try to think about potential snag-points, and modify accordingly. Lastly, although you have this wonderful plan, don't be afraid to modify it based on what is actually going on in the live event.
Just as an example, I announced the start of the round, but was having difficulties projecting properly on the day. Thus some players had started their match and some had not. Chris re-announced the start of round more robustly, but because of the confusion included we skipped the beginning of round deck check for that round, pulling a mid-round instead.
Giving Instructions: So as head judge I had two sets of notes. One was information I was going to go over with the judges at our judge meeting. This largely included the tasks that identified, and the way in which I imagined them being executed. The other set of notes was for the player meeting, and included information for them: please check your deck lists for errors, what competitive REL means, and so forth. The point is that communication is a big piece of being head judge.
There are two instances where my communication to the players broke down a bit. The first is I simply had issues projecting. This is an issue I had throughout the day, though my end-of-round announcements went smoothly. I am simply accustomed to being a quiet speaker, and need more practice making these sorts of announcements.
I had planned to make an announcement going into the final rounds of the event with an instruction that players should be playing magic, or shaking hands, and not improperly determining winner, or attempting bribery. This announcement was unintentionally skipped due to other issues that had to be dealt with – a direct result of my multiple tournament roles.
= Other notes
On the day, I was called in on an appeal twice. The first case involved a player who called judge upon discovering their opponent counting 59 card main deck, 16 card sideboard, in between games 1 and 2. Christopher was the responding judge. It was his ruling that as we are currently between games, no penalty is issued. This ruling was upheld.
The other case involved Player N cast Magma Jet targeting Prognostic Sphinx. Player A discarded a card to give the Sphinx Hexproof. Chelsea was the responding judge. It was her ruling that the spell will resolve and do as much as possible, allowing Player N to scry 2. This was overturned. As Magma jet goes to resolve, we check to see if the target is legal, and it is not because of hexproof. As a result the spell is countered by the game rules and none of it's effects occur (CR 602.8b).
A small hiccup occurred in logistics. A player asked me as were entering round 4 (of 6) if standings had been posted at all. They had not, and I did want to post standings at the end of round 3, as that was the half-way point for the event. I thanked the player and made a note to post standings end of round 4. Standings were posted, but then I quickly forgot to pair round 5 before printing pairings and match-slips. This resulted in duplicate pairings, which we had to quickly retract. Fortunately I caught the error quickly.
tournament report
Thursday, November 6, 2014
WPN events Nov - Dec
WPN November Events
Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 4,11,18,25. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 7,14. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 21st. 5:30-9pm
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Here, you rule. Modern constructed event. This format includes cards from 8th edition and Mirrodin block forward. $10.00 Entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 28th. 5:30-9:00pm
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
Wednesdays 5,12,19,26; 6-9pm.
Expeditions: Continue to adventure. For Characters lv5+.
Wednesdays 5,12,19,26; 6-9pm.
WPN December Events
Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 2,9,16,30. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 5,12. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 19th. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Here, you rule. Modern constructed event. This format includes cards from 8th edition and Mirrodin block forward. $10.00 Entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 26th. 5:30pm.
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
Wednesdays 3,10,17,31; 6-9pm.
Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 4,11,18,25. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 7,14. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 21st. 5:30-9pm
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Here, you rule. Modern constructed event. This format includes cards from 8th edition and Mirrodin block forward. $10.00 Entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 28th. 5:30-9:00pm
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
Wednesdays 5,12,19,26; 6-9pm.
Expeditions: Continue to adventure. For Characters lv5+.
Wednesdays 5,12,19,26; 6-9pm.
WPN December Events
Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 2,9,16,30. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 5,12. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 19th. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Here, you rule. Modern constructed event. This format includes cards from 8th edition and Mirrodin block forward. $10.00 Entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 26th. 5:30pm.
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
Wednesdays 3,10,17,31; 6-9pm.
Monday, October 27, 2014
TCG Player Diamond (Columbus)
TCG Player Diamond (Columbus) Event Report
by Dan Regewitz Lv1 – Floor Judge (Deck Checks Team)
Jarrod Williams Lv2 - Judge Manager
David Rappaport LV3 - Head Judge
Ryan Seymore UC - TO
Anthony Bucchioni Lv2 - Deck Checks Team Lead (mine)
Reflecting on this past weekend, we had a pretty good event. 160 players were managed into a relatively smooth 8 rounds. The deck-check team, on which I served, checked 24 decks – before even the top 8 gathered. I'd like to do something a bit different with this judge article, and that is first, I'd like to retread some information about deckchecks, what they are and how we do them. Retread because I've covered this topic before as part of my tournament report for SCG open – Pittsburgh July 2011 (check the archives of my articles, it's in there).
Deck checks
So as part of my duties for this event, I was on the deck-checks team, and as luck would have it I remained on this team as was not pulled away from other duties as the day went on. Deck checks are a feature of nearly every major competitive magic event in modern memory. It is a task that we, as judges are expected to perform, and a task that requires some skill. Certainly there is learning involved as a judge may become faster or more efficient at this task.
We perform deck checks primarily to ensure the integrity of the event. The deck list is a record of what deck any given player is playing in that event. Errors in said deck list can result in a potential for advantage when cards are registered incorrectly – or not at all.
The Magic Tournament Rules (2.8) outline the expectations of what a deck check entails for players. The Infraction Procedure Guide (3.5) outlines the penalties for an improperly registered deck.
However, there are many ins-and-outs of how to perform a deck check that are not recorded, except in judge articles. Performing a deck-check is largely a learn-by-doing exercise for judge canidates and new judges, and I will not attempt to cover everything that goes into the process. But here's a little of what to expect.
There are essentially 2 types of deck checks. Targeted, and random. Random deck checks are just like they sound. A table # is generated at random, often by the scorekeeper, and the deck check team will swoop (slang for moving in and getting the decks at the right moment without alerting the players) the table.
A targeted deck check occurs, when we encounter a potential error when checking the lists. This could be an unreadable card name or number, an abbreviated card name, a list without a name, or other minor clerical error. Often we investigate these issues by taking a look at the actual deck that the player is running. More often than not we make a note on the deck list as to the actual contents of the deck being run, and issue a penalty if we deem it necessary.
The last time I discussed some of the details that go into actually swooping the decks, so this time around I'd like to cover the things that we look for when we check a deck for errors.
The IPG specifically calls out the the following problems that could result in a deck-decklist error.
The deck or decklist contains an illegal number of cards for the format.
The deck or decklist contains one or more cards that are illegal for the format.
A card listed on a decklist is not identified by its full name, and could be interepreted as more than one card. Truncated names of storyline characters (legendary permanents, planeswalkers) are acceptable as long as they are the only representation of that character in the format and are treated as referring to that card, even if other cards begin with the same name.
The contents of the presented deck and sideboard do not match the decklist registered.
We check for these things largely by sorting out the deck we obtained from the player, and comparing it to the list submitted at the start of the event.
However it is important to note that these are not the only things that a member of the deck-check team may look for. Sometimes we also have to consider the possibility of marked cards. In a large event it is entirely possible for sleeves that are not marked to become somewhat marked during the event in the process of shuffling, cutting, playing, and otherwise manipulating cards. So a glance is usually given to sleeves to determine what kind of wear they have seen, and if a pattern can be determined.
Scorekeeping 101
Two interesting match results came to my attention during this tournament. Kudos to Lv2 Patrick Nelson.
In one case, A player was seated and was waiting for his opponent to show up. The player meeting for the TCG-gold modern side event was announced, and the player wanted to go play modern. This resulted in a match where the player conceded to a no-show opponent, and then dropped to attend the other event. In the end we reported the match, and simply dropped both players.
In another case, we had a table with a match slip and no players seated. That's right a double-tardiness match loss. In the end we reported this match as 0-0, and simply dropped both players.
Missing Triggers
Player A cast a Fiendslayer Paladin, while Player N has an Eidolon of the Great Revel on the battlefield. Eidolon reads in part “Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost 3 or less, Eidolon of the Great Revel deals 2 damage to that player.” Player N, picks up the Paladin, reads it, puts it down, and says “Resolves”, and a moment later “And you take 2.” At which point I am called to the table.
The Eidolon has a triggered ability that causes a change to the visible state of the game (namely life totals). By the definition of Triggered ability, the controller has to demonstrate awareness of the trigger when this game state change occurs. Since this particular trigger occurs when the spell is cast, that is the most appropriate time.
I spent a moment on this one, because it seemed like one could count player N's “Resolves” comment as advancing past that moment. I, however was not comfortable drawing that particular line. For me personally, for the trigger to be missed, player N would have had to perform a more distinct game action (like try to resolve something else), or allowed the game to progress to a different phase or step. This had not happened, so I ruled that the trigger was NOT missed.
This was a very line-y situation where I suspected highly that Player A would appeal my decision, and they did. After explaining the situation to HJ David Rappaport, he spoke to the players for a moment to confirm the details of the situation, then talked to me about my thought processes. In the end he opted to overturn my decision.
by Dan Regewitz Lv1 – Floor Judge (Deck Checks Team)
Jarrod Williams Lv2 - Judge Manager
David Rappaport LV3 - Head Judge
Ryan Seymore UC - TO
Anthony Bucchioni Lv2 - Deck Checks Team Lead (mine)
Reflecting on this past weekend, we had a pretty good event. 160 players were managed into a relatively smooth 8 rounds. The deck-check team, on which I served, checked 24 decks – before even the top 8 gathered. I'd like to do something a bit different with this judge article, and that is first, I'd like to retread some information about deckchecks, what they are and how we do them. Retread because I've covered this topic before as part of my tournament report for SCG open – Pittsburgh July 2011 (check the archives of my articles, it's in there).
Deck checks
So as part of my duties for this event, I was on the deck-checks team, and as luck would have it I remained on this team as was not pulled away from other duties as the day went on. Deck checks are a feature of nearly every major competitive magic event in modern memory. It is a task that we, as judges are expected to perform, and a task that requires some skill. Certainly there is learning involved as a judge may become faster or more efficient at this task.
We perform deck checks primarily to ensure the integrity of the event. The deck list is a record of what deck any given player is playing in that event. Errors in said deck list can result in a potential for advantage when cards are registered incorrectly – or not at all.
The Magic Tournament Rules (2.8) outline the expectations of what a deck check entails for players. The Infraction Procedure Guide (3.5) outlines the penalties for an improperly registered deck.
However, there are many ins-and-outs of how to perform a deck check that are not recorded, except in judge articles. Performing a deck-check is largely a learn-by-doing exercise for judge canidates and new judges, and I will not attempt to cover everything that goes into the process. But here's a little of what to expect.
There are essentially 2 types of deck checks. Targeted, and random. Random deck checks are just like they sound. A table # is generated at random, often by the scorekeeper, and the deck check team will swoop (slang for moving in and getting the decks at the right moment without alerting the players) the table.
A targeted deck check occurs, when we encounter a potential error when checking the lists. This could be an unreadable card name or number, an abbreviated card name, a list without a name, or other minor clerical error. Often we investigate these issues by taking a look at the actual deck that the player is running. More often than not we make a note on the deck list as to the actual contents of the deck being run, and issue a penalty if we deem it necessary.
The last time I discussed some of the details that go into actually swooping the decks, so this time around I'd like to cover the things that we look for when we check a deck for errors.
The IPG specifically calls out the the following problems that could result in a deck-decklist error.
The deck or decklist contains an illegal number of cards for the format.
The deck or decklist contains one or more cards that are illegal for the format.
A card listed on a decklist is not identified by its full name, and could be interepreted as more than one card. Truncated names of storyline characters (legendary permanents, planeswalkers) are acceptable as long as they are the only representation of that character in the format and are treated as referring to that card, even if other cards begin with the same name.
The contents of the presented deck and sideboard do not match the decklist registered.
We check for these things largely by sorting out the deck we obtained from the player, and comparing it to the list submitted at the start of the event.
However it is important to note that these are not the only things that a member of the deck-check team may look for. Sometimes we also have to consider the possibility of marked cards. In a large event it is entirely possible for sleeves that are not marked to become somewhat marked during the event in the process of shuffling, cutting, playing, and otherwise manipulating cards. So a glance is usually given to sleeves to determine what kind of wear they have seen, and if a pattern can be determined.
Scorekeeping 101
Two interesting match results came to my attention during this tournament. Kudos to Lv2 Patrick Nelson.
In one case, A player was seated and was waiting for his opponent to show up. The player meeting for the TCG-gold modern side event was announced, and the player wanted to go play modern. This resulted in a match where the player conceded to a no-show opponent, and then dropped to attend the other event. In the end we reported the match, and simply dropped both players.
In another case, we had a table with a match slip and no players seated. That's right a double-tardiness match loss. In the end we reported this match as 0-0, and simply dropped both players.
Missing Triggers
Player A cast a Fiendslayer Paladin, while Player N has an Eidolon of the Great Revel on the battlefield. Eidolon reads in part “Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost 3 or less, Eidolon of the Great Revel deals 2 damage to that player.” Player N, picks up the Paladin, reads it, puts it down, and says “Resolves”, and a moment later “And you take 2.” At which point I am called to the table.
The Eidolon has a triggered ability that causes a change to the visible state of the game (namely life totals). By the definition of Triggered ability, the controller has to demonstrate awareness of the trigger when this game state change occurs. Since this particular trigger occurs when the spell is cast, that is the most appropriate time.
I spent a moment on this one, because it seemed like one could count player N's “Resolves” comment as advancing past that moment. I, however was not comfortable drawing that particular line. For me personally, for the trigger to be missed, player N would have had to perform a more distinct game action (like try to resolve something else), or allowed the game to progress to a different phase or step. This had not happened, so I ruled that the trigger was NOT missed.
This was a very line-y situation where I suspected highly that Player A would appeal my decision, and they did. After explaining the situation to HJ David Rappaport, he spoke to the players for a moment to confirm the details of the situation, then talked to me about my thought processes. In the end he opted to overturn my decision.
tournament report
Sunday, September 28, 2014
WPN Events Oct - Nov
WPN October Events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays; 7,14,21,28; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 3,10,24; :30-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. 2packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 17; 5:30-9:00pm.
Game Day: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. 3packs prize pool per player. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
Saturday: 18th 11:15am registration opens. 12:15pm start time.
Grand Prix Trial (New Jersey): Format: Legacy. $20 entry. Competitive level event. Decklists required. Prize pool 6 packs per player. With 8-12 players, first and second may take singles instead of packs. With 13-15 players, this applies to 1-4th place. 16+ players this option becomes available to the entire top 8.
Saturday 11th; 11:15am registration opens. 12:15pm start time.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support.
Tuesdays 7,14,21,28. 6-9pm
Kaijudo Mega Bash: $20 Entry. 36 packs of current product for 1st place. Random prizes handed out each round. All other prizes based on attendance.
Tuesday 28th, 5:00pm
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters.
Mondays 1,13,20,27; 6-9pm.
WPN November Events
Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 4,11,18,25. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 7,14. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 21st. 5:30-9pm
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Here, you rule. Modern constructed event. This format includes cards from 8th edition and Mirrodin block forward. $10.00 Entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 28th. 5:30-9:00pm
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
Wednesdays 5,12,19,26; 6-9pm.
Expeditions: Continue to adventure. For Characters lv5+.
Wednesdays 5,12,19,26; 6-9pm.
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays; 7,14,21,28; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 3,10,24; :30-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. 2packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 17; 5:30-9:00pm.
Game Day: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. 3packs prize pool per player. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
Saturday: 18th 11:15am registration opens. 12:15pm start time.
Grand Prix Trial (New Jersey): Format: Legacy. $20 entry. Competitive level event. Decklists required. Prize pool 6 packs per player. With 8-12 players, first and second may take singles instead of packs. With 13-15 players, this applies to 1-4th place. 16+ players this option becomes available to the entire top 8.
Saturday 11th; 11:15am registration opens. 12:15pm start time.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support.
Tuesdays 7,14,21,28. 6-9pm
Kaijudo Mega Bash: $20 Entry. 36 packs of current product for 1st place. Random prizes handed out each round. All other prizes based on attendance.
Tuesday 28th, 5:00pm
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters.
Mondays 1,13,20,27; 6-9pm.
WPN November Events
Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 4,11,18,25. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 7,14. 5:30pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 21st. 5:30-9pm
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Here, you rule. Modern constructed event. This format includes cards from 8th edition and Mirrodin block forward. $10.00 Entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 28th. 5:30-9:00pm
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters. For Characters lv1-4.
Wednesdays 5,12,19,26; 6-9pm.
Expeditions: Continue to adventure. For Characters lv5+.
Wednesdays 5,12,19,26; 6-9pm.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
WPN Events: Sept, Oct
WPN September Events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 2,9,16,23,30th; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 5,12th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - 2 Headed Giant; Standard format. $10.00 entry.
3 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 19th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Khans of Trokir Launch event. Special 4 pack draft. $20 entry. Promos for all attendees. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday 26th. 5:30-9pm.
Khans Prerelease: Come experience the newest set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Our first exposure to the Khans of Trokir. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below.
Saturday, 20, 11:30 registration; 12:30 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Saturday, 20, 4:15 registration; 5:15 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Sunday, 21, 11:30 registraiton; 12:15 play begins. $30 2-headed giant sealed deck.
Sealed Deck: Khans of Trokir Launch Event. Two Headed Giant Sealed deck (Using prerelease kits if product allows)! $25 entry. . Promos for all attendees. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday, 28th 12:15-5pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 6,13,27; 5-9pm.
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters.
Wednesday: 3,10,17,24th
WPN October Events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays; 7,14,21,28; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 3,10,24; :30-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. 2packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 17; 5:30-9:00pm.
Game Day: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. 3packs prize pool per player. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
Saturday: 18th 11:15am registration opens. 12:15pm start time.
Grand Prix Trial (New Jersey): Format: Legacy. $20 entry. Competitive level event. Decklists required. Prize pool 6 packs per player. With 8-12 players, first and second may take singles instead of packs. With 13-15 players, this applies to 1-4th place. 16+ players this option becomes available to the entire top 8.
Saturday 11th; 11:15am registration opens. 12:15pm start time.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support.
Saturdays 4,11,18,25; 5-9pm.
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters.
Mondays 1,13,20,27; 6-9pm.
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 2,9,16,23,30th; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 5,12th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - 2 Headed Giant; Standard format. $10.00 entry.
3 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 19th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Khans of Trokir Launch event. Special 4 pack draft. $20 entry. Promos for all attendees. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday 26th. 5:30-9pm.
Khans Prerelease: Come experience the newest set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Our first exposure to the Khans of Trokir. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below.
Saturday, 20, 11:30 registration; 12:30 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Saturday, 20, 4:15 registration; 5:15 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Sunday, 21, 11:30 registraiton; 12:15 play begins. $30 2-headed giant sealed deck.
Sealed Deck: Khans of Trokir Launch Event. Two Headed Giant Sealed deck (Using prerelease kits if product allows)! $25 entry. . Promos for all attendees. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday, 28th 12:15-5pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 6,13,27; 5-9pm.
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters.
Wednesday: 3,10,17,24th
WPN October Events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays; 7,14,21,28; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 3,10,24; :30-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. 2packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 17; 5:30-9:00pm.
Game Day: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. 3packs prize pool per player. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
Saturday: 18th 11:15am registration opens. 12:15pm start time.
Grand Prix Trial (New Jersey): Format: Legacy. $20 entry. Competitive level event. Decklists required. Prize pool 6 packs per player. With 8-12 players, first and second may take singles instead of packs. With 13-15 players, this applies to 1-4th place. 16+ players this option becomes available to the entire top 8.
Saturday 11th; 11:15am registration opens. 12:15pm start time.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support.
Saturdays 4,11,18,25; 5-9pm.
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters.
Mondays 1,13,20,27; 6-9pm.
Monday, August 18, 2014
GPT Orlando - Tarentum; Head Judge Report
Grand Prix Trial Orlando – New Dimension Comics Mills (Tarentum, PA)
Head Judge Report
Or how to run (or not) a Grand Prix Trial.
This particular event represents my sixth or so Grand Prix Trial that I have had the fortune to judge in my years in the program. As such, I would like to not only cover some things that occurred in this event in a typical head judge report, but also write in broader strokes about what my fellow judges and Tournament Organizers can do to make these events run smoother.
These events take a certain amount of forethought and planning. To run a successful event the TO needs to make sure they have the space, and time to run the event. Provide for some lead time to advertise the event, secure the services of a certified judge such as myself, make sure they have a computer and printer that can be dedicated to the event. Assign someone (sometimes a judge, sometimes not) to keep score. Table numbers, paper cutter, water for parched players and staff – and probably a good number of items that I have failed to mention.
The point is that as a TO, you need to think of the comfort of your players and staff. Absolutely anything you can do to make the day go smoother is probably a good thing. Jon (My TO on this event) gets a passing score in this department. His store recently underwent an expansion, and we had room for nearly 3 times the number of players we actually hosted (24). Drinks and snacks were on tap, we had a dedicated computer and printer in our room. At the end of the day I'd have to say we put on a successful event for everyone involved.
I see part of my job as head judge to help the TO prepare. With new TO or ones I have not previously worked with, I try to make sure that they have considered all the things that go into these events. Because if something is forgotten or communication doesn't flow, it often creates a combination of delays or unneeded stress.
Dealing with new Players.
Grand Prix Trials are an interesting niche. They are relatively small events that occur on the store level, but they are Competitive Rules Enforcement Level. So you are often faced with players who are playing in their first competitive event. It becomes helpful then to make these events friendly to those players, while maintaining that competitive level. This is most easily done I've found through my Head Judge announcements. I discussed briefly:
Today is Competitive REL – that simply means that we will hold you to more technically precise play.
Outside assistance – If someone is involved in a tournament match, make sure that you do not say something that could be construed as play advice. By the same token, if you believe you see a rules issue, you can ask the players to pause the game, and get me involved right away!
Sealed Deck Swap – You will receive 6 packs of M15. You will be opening these packs, and simply registering the contents of them with the checklists we just passed out. You will not be playing with the cards that you open.
This is also true at least in part for the top-8 single elimination rounds. Many of your players may have never been in this situation before. It's good to have some instructions prepared for these players.
Zone Draft – When passing packs, do not stack packs between players!
Keep your eyes to yourself.
Please do not discuss the draft in any way.
You will have a chance to review your picks between packs.
The rounds you are about to play are still best of 3 matches, the matches are untimed, but we still expect you to play at a reasonable pace.
The rounds you are about to play are single -elimination rounds.
Without mentioning names of course, I'm going to mention that we had one particular new player who I now know that this was probably his first ever magic event. As much as I rejoice to see anyone join this awesome hobby – this player is not the target audience for this event. I sincerely hope this player returns to this (or another store) to enjoy magic in the future, but I think allowing him to play at Competitive REL as his first event was probably a disservice.
Of course one of the things that is different at Competitive REL, is that we have a very well structured and defined system of penalties, defined by the IPG. And we had a few of those.
That new player I mentioned before, the pool that he registered was done in a fashion that was rather incomplete and unclear. This was discovered by the player who received the pool at the start of the deck building process. This was also the moment when I became totally aware that this was in fact a brand new player. This falls under the Limited Procedure Violation penalty (warning).
To resolve this issue, I worked with the player who received this pool. I assisted him in creating a more proper record of the pool.
The real story was that during round 1, we found 1 deck list with an issue. And – you guessed it, it was this list. The player whom we had saddled with partial responsibility for recording this pool, had forgotten to record the basic land that he was playing. This falls under the deck/decklist problem penalty (Game Loss). However, I opted to downgrade this penalty to a warning for two potent reasons. First, that we had saddled this player with additional responsibility; second – I was collecting deck lists and double-checking them to see that the player had recorded their name and land – and somehow missed this one.
The only other penalty on the day was another Limited Procedure Violation. This one occurred during our top 8 draft when a player who was between picks of pack 1, reviewed his picks thus far. It was quickly caught, and I re-clarified that review happens between packs only.
Deck Checks
All competitive level events also include some kind of deck list, and we judges are required to check at least some of them during the course of the event. The recommendation I often hear is that we want to try to check about 10% of the decks in the event. For this event of 24 people, I felt we could fill this basic requirement by checking a single match. I knew I wanted this check to occur sometime later in the event, preferably round 3 or 4 (of 5). I also knew that because we were a small crowd, and players were not required to play at their assigned tables (this was done so that we weren't boxed into one corner of an otherwise large room) – I was going to swoop into a game mid-round.
Everything went according to plan here, except the check in question occurred in round 5 instead of round 3 or 4. While not ideal due to the fact that for several matches draws were declared, it accomplished our basic goals. I enlisted Jon's aid to check both decks in a timely fashion, and the decks were returned to the players without incident.
Answering questions about rules and card interactions is one of many ways Judges serve the players. As this was a limited M15 event, there weren't many questions that stood out as particularly interesting. But I did take notes on 2 that I felt might be educational to some players.
Generator Servant “T, Sacrifice Generator Servant: Add (2) to your mana pool. If that mana is spent on a creature spell, it gains haste until end of turn.
Phyrexian Revoker “As Phyrexian Revoker enters the battlefield, name a nonland card.
Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be activated.”
If Phyrexian Revoker names Generator servant, than you may not sacrifice it for (2) mana. While this is a mana ability, Phyrexian Revoker doesn't care about this quality, and only cares that it is in fact an activated ability.
Urborg, Tomb of Yogmoth “Each land is a Swamp in addition to its other land types.”
Staff of the Death Magus “Whenever you cast a black spell or a Swamp enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.”
Urborg's ability is static and continuously effects the game state. As such any land that you play or put into play will enter as a swamp, and trigger the staff of the Death Magus.
As a side note, Urborg effects all land, and not just your own, so your opponent's land is also swamps if they happen to have a Staff of the Death Magus in play.
Until next time, play some awesome magic.
- Dan Regewitz Lv1 Magic Judge
Head Judge Report
Or how to run (or not) a Grand Prix Trial.
This particular event represents my sixth or so Grand Prix Trial that I have had the fortune to judge in my years in the program. As such, I would like to not only cover some things that occurred in this event in a typical head judge report, but also write in broader strokes about what my fellow judges and Tournament Organizers can do to make these events run smoother.
These events take a certain amount of forethought and planning. To run a successful event the TO needs to make sure they have the space, and time to run the event. Provide for some lead time to advertise the event, secure the services of a certified judge such as myself, make sure they have a computer and printer that can be dedicated to the event. Assign someone (sometimes a judge, sometimes not) to keep score. Table numbers, paper cutter, water for parched players and staff – and probably a good number of items that I have failed to mention.
The point is that as a TO, you need to think of the comfort of your players and staff. Absolutely anything you can do to make the day go smoother is probably a good thing. Jon (My TO on this event) gets a passing score in this department. His store recently underwent an expansion, and we had room for nearly 3 times the number of players we actually hosted (24). Drinks and snacks were on tap, we had a dedicated computer and printer in our room. At the end of the day I'd have to say we put on a successful event for everyone involved.
I see part of my job as head judge to help the TO prepare. With new TO or ones I have not previously worked with, I try to make sure that they have considered all the things that go into these events. Because if something is forgotten or communication doesn't flow, it often creates a combination of delays or unneeded stress.
Dealing with new Players.
Grand Prix Trials are an interesting niche. They are relatively small events that occur on the store level, but they are Competitive Rules Enforcement Level. So you are often faced with players who are playing in their first competitive event. It becomes helpful then to make these events friendly to those players, while maintaining that competitive level. This is most easily done I've found through my Head Judge announcements. I discussed briefly:
Today is Competitive REL – that simply means that we will hold you to more technically precise play.
Outside assistance – If someone is involved in a tournament match, make sure that you do not say something that could be construed as play advice. By the same token, if you believe you see a rules issue, you can ask the players to pause the game, and get me involved right away!
Sealed Deck Swap – You will receive 6 packs of M15. You will be opening these packs, and simply registering the contents of them with the checklists we just passed out. You will not be playing with the cards that you open.
This is also true at least in part for the top-8 single elimination rounds. Many of your players may have never been in this situation before. It's good to have some instructions prepared for these players.
Zone Draft – When passing packs, do not stack packs between players!
Keep your eyes to yourself.
Please do not discuss the draft in any way.
You will have a chance to review your picks between packs.
The rounds you are about to play are still best of 3 matches, the matches are untimed, but we still expect you to play at a reasonable pace.
The rounds you are about to play are single -elimination rounds.
Without mentioning names of course, I'm going to mention that we had one particular new player who I now know that this was probably his first ever magic event. As much as I rejoice to see anyone join this awesome hobby – this player is not the target audience for this event. I sincerely hope this player returns to this (or another store) to enjoy magic in the future, but I think allowing him to play at Competitive REL as his first event was probably a disservice.
Of course one of the things that is different at Competitive REL, is that we have a very well structured and defined system of penalties, defined by the IPG. And we had a few of those.
That new player I mentioned before, the pool that he registered was done in a fashion that was rather incomplete and unclear. This was discovered by the player who received the pool at the start of the deck building process. This was also the moment when I became totally aware that this was in fact a brand new player. This falls under the Limited Procedure Violation penalty (warning).
To resolve this issue, I worked with the player who received this pool. I assisted him in creating a more proper record of the pool.
The real story was that during round 1, we found 1 deck list with an issue. And – you guessed it, it was this list. The player whom we had saddled with partial responsibility for recording this pool, had forgotten to record the basic land that he was playing. This falls under the deck/decklist problem penalty (Game Loss). However, I opted to downgrade this penalty to a warning for two potent reasons. First, that we had saddled this player with additional responsibility; second – I was collecting deck lists and double-checking them to see that the player had recorded their name and land – and somehow missed this one.
The only other penalty on the day was another Limited Procedure Violation. This one occurred during our top 8 draft when a player who was between picks of pack 1, reviewed his picks thus far. It was quickly caught, and I re-clarified that review happens between packs only.
Deck Checks
All competitive level events also include some kind of deck list, and we judges are required to check at least some of them during the course of the event. The recommendation I often hear is that we want to try to check about 10% of the decks in the event. For this event of 24 people, I felt we could fill this basic requirement by checking a single match. I knew I wanted this check to occur sometime later in the event, preferably round 3 or 4 (of 5). I also knew that because we were a small crowd, and players were not required to play at their assigned tables (this was done so that we weren't boxed into one corner of an otherwise large room) – I was going to swoop into a game mid-round.
Everything went according to plan here, except the check in question occurred in round 5 instead of round 3 or 4. While not ideal due to the fact that for several matches draws were declared, it accomplished our basic goals. I enlisted Jon's aid to check both decks in a timely fashion, and the decks were returned to the players without incident.
Answering questions about rules and card interactions is one of many ways Judges serve the players. As this was a limited M15 event, there weren't many questions that stood out as particularly interesting. But I did take notes on 2 that I felt might be educational to some players.
Generator Servant “T, Sacrifice Generator Servant: Add (2) to your mana pool. If that mana is spent on a creature spell, it gains haste until end of turn.
Phyrexian Revoker “As Phyrexian Revoker enters the battlefield, name a nonland card.
Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be activated.”
If Phyrexian Revoker names Generator servant, than you may not sacrifice it for (2) mana. While this is a mana ability, Phyrexian Revoker doesn't care about this quality, and only cares that it is in fact an activated ability.
Urborg, Tomb of Yogmoth “Each land is a Swamp in addition to its other land types.”
Staff of the Death Magus “Whenever you cast a black spell or a Swamp enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.”
Urborg's ability is static and continuously effects the game state. As such any land that you play or put into play will enter as a swamp, and trigger the staff of the Death Magus.
As a side note, Urborg effects all land, and not just your own, so your opponent's land is also swamps if they happen to have a Staff of the Death Magus in play.
Until next time, play some awesome magic.
- Dan Regewitz Lv1 Magic Judge
tournament report
Sunday, July 20, 2014
WPN events August-Sept
WPN August Events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 5,12,19,26; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs into prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 1,8,22. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. 2 packs into prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 15th 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - From the Vault: Standard type 2 constructed event. $15 entry. First place to recieve a From the Vault: Desolation. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 22nd: 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic (modern): Try your hand at this exciting non-rotating format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be distrubuted as singles.
Friday: 29th 5:30-9:00pm
Magic GAME DAY!: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. Standard constructed. First place gets a championship mat. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
Saturday: 9th 11:30am registration opens. 12:30pm start time.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Tuesdays 2,16,23,30; 5-9pm.
WPN September Events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 2,9,16,23,30th; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 5,12th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - 2 Headed Giant; Standard format. $10.00 entry.
3 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 19th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Khans of Trokir Launch event. Special 4 pack draft. $20 entry. Promos for all attendees. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday 26th. 5:30-9pm.
Khans Prerelease: Come experience the newest set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Our first exposure to the Khans of Trokir. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below.
Saturday, 13, 11:30 registration; 12:30 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Saturday, 13, 4:15 registration; 5:15 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Sunday, 13, 11:30 registraiton; 12:15 play begins. $30 2-headed giant sealed deck.
Sealed Deck: Khans of Trokir Launch Event. Two Headed Giant Sealed deck (Using prerelease kits if product allows)! $25 entry. . Promos for all attendees. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday, 28th 12:15-5pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 6,13,27; 5-9pm.
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters.
Mondays: 8,15,22,29th
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 5,12,19,26; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs into prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 1,8,22. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. $16.00 entry. 2 packs into prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 15th 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - From the Vault: Standard type 2 constructed event. $15 entry. First place to recieve a From the Vault: Desolation. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 22nd: 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic (modern): Try your hand at this exciting non-rotating format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be distrubuted as singles.
Friday: 29th 5:30-9:00pm
Magic GAME DAY!: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. Standard constructed. First place gets a championship mat. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
Saturday: 9th 11:30am registration opens. 12:30pm start time.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Tuesdays 2,16,23,30; 5-9pm.
WPN September Events
Magic: The Gathering
Casual Play: Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 2,9,16,23,30th; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 5,12th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - 2 Headed Giant; Standard format. $10.00 entry.
3 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 19th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Khans of Trokir Launch event. Special 4 pack draft. $20 entry. Promos for all attendees. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday 26th. 5:30-9pm.
Khans Prerelease: Come experience the newest set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Our first exposure to the Khans of Trokir. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below.
Saturday, 13, 11:30 registration; 12:30 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Saturday, 13, 4:15 registration; 5:15 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Sunday, 13, 11:30 registraiton; 12:15 play begins. $30 2-headed giant sealed deck.
Sealed Deck: Khans of Trokir Launch Event. Two Headed Giant Sealed deck (Using prerelease kits if product allows)! $25 entry. . Promos for all attendees. 2 packs prize pool per player. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday, 28th 12:15-5pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 6,13,27; 5-9pm.
Dungeons & Dragons
Encounters: Come explore and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons - Encounters.
Mondays: 8,15,22,29th
Thursday, June 19, 2014
WPN events: July, August
WPN July Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 1,8,15,22,29; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 25; 5:30-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
Friday, 11th 5:30-9:00pm.
Magic 2015 Core Set Prerelease!: Come experience the newest core set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday, 12, 11:30 registration; 12:30 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Saturday, 12, 4:30 registration; 5:15 play begins. $25 sealed deck.
Sunday, 13, 11:30 registraiton; 12:15 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Magic 2015 Launch Draft!: Come celebrate the official release of the Magic 2011 core set with a DCI sanctioned Draft. Swiss rounds. $16.00 entry. Prizes based on attendance. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 18: 5:30-9:00.
Magic 2015 Sealed Deck: One of the best ways to enjoy a new set is to play sealed deck. This launch event features packs of the newest Magic core set. $30.00 entry. Prizes based on attendance. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday 20th: 12:10 play begins.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 5,19,26; 4-9pm.
WPN August Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 5,12,19,26; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 1,8,22. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Join us for our monthly draft. We expect to draft M13 core set. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 15th 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - From the Vault: Standard type 2 constructed event. $15 entry. First place to recieve a From the Vault: Desolation. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 22nd: 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic (modern): Try your hand at this exciting non-rotating format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be distributed as store credit.
Friday: 29th 5:30-9:00pm
Magic GAME DAY!: Experience the power of play. NDC Butler to host a Magic Game day. This event is open to all players. Entry $10.00. Standard constructed. First place gets a championship mat. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers.
Saturday: 9th 11:30am registration opens. 12:30pm start time.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Tuesdays 2,16,23,30; 5-9pm.
Monday, May 12, 2014
To Defeat a God
To Defeat a God
I play a land, and brace myself. Xenagos flips 2 Ecstatic Pipers. A 2/2 that reads "when this enters the battlefield, Xenagos Ascended attacks this turn if able. Hero's reward - When this leaves the battlefield, each player gains 2 life."
Xenagos Ascended represents the only way I can win here. A 6/5 that reads "This can't leave the battlefield as long as a reveler is on the battlefield." and "When this leaves the battlefield, each player wins the game." Taunting me with a solution to the problem, but putting it behind the iron barrier of a strange ability that makes it better than indestructible.
I have however nothing except a tapped scryland, so I eat 6 and go to 14. On my following turn I draw a card, play another land, and manage a sylvan caryatid.
Xenagos flips a Rollicking Throng - 1/3 When it enters reveal the top card of Xenagos's library and Xenagos casts that card. It turns over another Rollicking Throng. The next card is Xenagos's Strike, a sorcery that burns each player for 4. I'm at 10, and Xenagos still has one more card this turn. It's a Maddened Oread. 4/2 - As long as 5 or more revelers are on the battlefield, it attacks each turn if able. Hero's reward - when it leaves the battlefield, each player gains 3 life.
At this point, there are 7 Revelers on the battlefield, 4 Rollicking Throngs, 2 Ecstatic Pipers, and the Oread. Fortunately for me the Oread is the only thing that would attack - but it's not going to because of summoning sickness. Still I'm at 10 life and starting my third turn. Overall, things are not looking good.
The "Defeat a God" challenge deck is the third and possibly final challenge deck issued by Wizards of the Coast. It asks us to defeat the mad planeswalker turned god Xenagos to restore some semblance of balance to the world of Theros.
Like the other challenge decks that came before it "Defeat a God" is a unique deck, with non-standard backs. It represents a special scenario for solo play. The primary puzzle of this scenario is to destroy or remove Xenagos Ascended, a 6/5 that remains in play as long as he is accompanied by revelers - a special creature type assigned to about half the cards in this deck.
The challenge deck itself is capable of some pretty brutal plays. The example I illustrated above is not uncommon and I can say from personal experience is very rough to deal with. I feel like the decks that will do best in this challenge are midrange decks that can trade creature-for-creature early.
Control decks have a decent chance of dying before they can wipe the board. Applying that release valve may not even help that much. If Xenagos casts a Rollicking Throng or Ecstatic Piper, you may find yourself back behind the 8-ball.
Aggressive decks should be able to handle all the smaller revelers in the deck. The problem being that Xenagos Ascended is himself a 6/5, and that can be a big body to deal with in a traditional aggro-burn deck.
So far in my play testing this has proved the most difficult challenge deck. Don't forget that on Journey into Nyx Game Day (5/24/14) you can attempt to defeat a god yourself at your local magic store. Check out the event locator (link) to find a location near you. If you do manage to take down a god, there will be a cool promo hero card waiting for you.
I play a land, and brace myself. Xenagos flips 2 Ecstatic Pipers. A 2/2 that reads "when this enters the battlefield, Xenagos Ascended attacks this turn if able. Hero's reward - When this leaves the battlefield, each player gains 2 life."
Xenagos Ascended represents the only way I can win here. A 6/5 that reads "This can't leave the battlefield as long as a reveler is on the battlefield." and "When this leaves the battlefield, each player wins the game." Taunting me with a solution to the problem, but putting it behind the iron barrier of a strange ability that makes it better than indestructible.
I have however nothing except a tapped scryland, so I eat 6 and go to 14. On my following turn I draw a card, play another land, and manage a sylvan caryatid.
Xenagos flips a Rollicking Throng - 1/3 When it enters reveal the top card of Xenagos's library and Xenagos casts that card. It turns over another Rollicking Throng. The next card is Xenagos's Strike, a sorcery that burns each player for 4. I'm at 10, and Xenagos still has one more card this turn. It's a Maddened Oread. 4/2 - As long as 5 or more revelers are on the battlefield, it attacks each turn if able. Hero's reward - when it leaves the battlefield, each player gains 3 life.
At this point, there are 7 Revelers on the battlefield, 4 Rollicking Throngs, 2 Ecstatic Pipers, and the Oread. Fortunately for me the Oread is the only thing that would attack - but it's not going to because of summoning sickness. Still I'm at 10 life and starting my third turn. Overall, things are not looking good.
The "Defeat a God" challenge deck is the third and possibly final challenge deck issued by Wizards of the Coast. It asks us to defeat the mad planeswalker turned god Xenagos to restore some semblance of balance to the world of Theros.
Like the other challenge decks that came before it "Defeat a God" is a unique deck, with non-standard backs. It represents a special scenario for solo play. The primary puzzle of this scenario is to destroy or remove Xenagos Ascended, a 6/5 that remains in play as long as he is accompanied by revelers - a special creature type assigned to about half the cards in this deck.
The challenge deck itself is capable of some pretty brutal plays. The example I illustrated above is not uncommon and I can say from personal experience is very rough to deal with. I feel like the decks that will do best in this challenge are midrange decks that can trade creature-for-creature early.
Control decks have a decent chance of dying before they can wipe the board. Applying that release valve may not even help that much. If Xenagos casts a Rollicking Throng or Ecstatic Piper, you may find yourself back behind the 8-ball.
Aggressive decks should be able to handle all the smaller revelers in the deck. The problem being that Xenagos Ascended is himself a 6/5, and that can be a big body to deal with in a traditional aggro-burn deck.
So far in my play testing this has proved the most difficult challenge deck. Don't forget that on Journey into Nyx Game Day (5/24/14) you can attempt to defeat a god yourself at your local magic store. Check out the event locator (link) to find a location near you. If you do manage to take down a god, there will be a cool promo hero card waiting for you.
challenge deck,
WPN events: June, July
WPN June Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 3,10,17,24
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 6,13, 27; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly draft event. Drafting Theros Block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday 20; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Conspiracy Draft: It's a crazy casual draft using packs of conspiracy! Each player gets 4 packs of Consipracy to draft with. Players are then randomly assigned to groups of 3-5 to play a single multiplayer game using their draft decks. There will be prizes (packs of conspiracy if product allows). Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday 8th 12:15-5pm; Tuesday 10th 5-9pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 7,14,21,28; 5-9pm.
WPN July Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 1,8,15,22,29; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 4,25; 5:30-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
Friday, 11th 5:30-9:00pm.
Magic 2015 Core Set Prerelease!: Come experience the newest core set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday, 12, 11:30 registration; 12:30 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Saturday, 12, 4:30 registration; 5:15 play begins. $25 sealed deck.
Sunday, 13, 11:30 registraiton; 12:15 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Magic 2015 Launch Draft!: Come celebrate the official release of the Magic 2011 core set with a DCI sanctioned Draft. Swiss rounds. $16.00 entry. Prizes based on attendance. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 18: 5:30-9:00.
Magic 2015 Sealed Deck: One of the best ways to enjoy a new set is to play sealed deck. This launch event features packs of the newest Magic core set. $30.00 entry. Prizes based on attendance. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday 20th: 12:10 play begins.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 5,19,26; 4-9pm.
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 3,10,17,24
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 6,13, 27; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly draft event. Drafting Theros Block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday 20; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Conspiracy Draft: It's a crazy casual draft using packs of conspiracy! Each player gets 4 packs of Consipracy to draft with. Players are then randomly assigned to groups of 3-5 to play a single multiplayer game using their draft decks. There will be prizes (packs of conspiracy if product allows). Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday 8th 12:15-5pm; Tuesday 10th 5-9pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 7,14,21,28; 5-9pm.
WPN July Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 1,8,15,22,29; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 4,25; 5:30-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
Friday, 11th 5:30-9:00pm.
Magic 2015 Core Set Prerelease!: Come experience the newest core set of Magic with this sanctioned sealed deck pre-release. Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. Please note the times and prices below. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday, 12, 11:30 registration; 12:30 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Saturday, 12, 4:30 registration; 5:15 play begins. $25 sealed deck.
Sunday, 13, 11:30 registraiton; 12:15 play begins. $30 sealed deck.
Magic 2015 Launch Draft!: Come celebrate the official release of the Magic 2011 core set with a DCI sanctioned Draft. Swiss rounds. $16.00 entry. Prizes based on attendance. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 18: 5:30-9:00.
Magic 2015 Sealed Deck: One of the best ways to enjoy a new set is to play sealed deck. This launch event features packs of the newest Magic core set. $30.00 entry. Prizes based on attendance. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday 20th: 12:10 play begins.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 5,19,26; 4-9pm.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
WPN events: May, June
WPN May Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 6,13,20,27th; 5:00-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 9,23,; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Draft Event. Drafting Return to Ravnica Block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 2,16; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Journey into Nyx Launch!: Celebrate the official launch of the Magic set Dragon's Maze in this Draft event. $20.00 entry. Special 4 pack draft format! DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Everyone who enters to receive a promotional foil. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 2rd; 5:30-9:00pm.
Journey into Nyx Launch!: What's great about a new set? Sealed deck that's what! This second launch event will be capped at 3 rounds, and use Journey into Nyx prerelease packs (if product allows). $25 entry. Everyone who enters to receive a promotional foil. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday, 4th: Registration noon; 12:30-5pm.
Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
Tues, May 30th 5:30-9:00pm
Journey into Nyx Game Day: Experience the power of play. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers. Playmat for 1st place. Here you Rule! $10.00 entry. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 24th; 11:30 registration; 12:30-6:00pm
Kaijudo, Rise of the Duel Masters
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays: 3,10,17,31; 5-9pm
Kaijudo Set Primere: Quest for the gauntlet. $25 sealed deck.
Saturday, 31st; 4-9pm.
WPN June Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 3,10,17,24
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 6,13; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly draft event. Drafting Theros Block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday 20; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
Friday 27th; 5:30 -9:00pm
Conspiracy Draft: It's a crazy casual draft using packs of conspiracy! Each player gets 4 packs of Consipracy to draft with. Players are then randomly assigned to groups of 3-5 to play a single multiplayer game using their draft decks. There will be prizes (packs of conspiracy if product allows). Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday 8th 12:15-5pm; Tuesday 10th 5-9pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 7,14,21,28; 5-9pm.
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 6,13,20,27th; 5:00-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 9,23,; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Draft Event. Drafting Return to Ravnica Block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 2,16; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Journey into Nyx Launch!: Celebrate the official launch of the Magic set Dragon's Maze in this Draft event. $20.00 entry. Special 4 pack draft format! DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Everyone who enters to receive a promotional foil. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 2rd; 5:30-9:00pm.
Journey into Nyx Launch!: What's great about a new set? Sealed deck that's what! This second launch event will be capped at 3 rounds, and use Journey into Nyx prerelease packs (if product allows). $25 entry. Everyone who enters to receive a promotional foil. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday, 4th: Registration noon; 12:30-5pm.
Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
Tues, May 30th 5:30-9:00pm
Journey into Nyx Game Day: Experience the power of play. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers. Playmat for 1st place. Here you Rule! $10.00 entry. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 24th; 11:30 registration; 12:30-6:00pm
Kaijudo, Rise of the Duel Masters
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays: 3,10,17,31; 5-9pm
Kaijudo Set Primere: Quest for the gauntlet. $25 sealed deck.
Saturday, 31st; 4-9pm.
WPN June Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 3,10,17,24
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 6,13; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly draft event. Drafting Theros Block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday 20; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
Friday 27th; 5:30 -9:00pm
Conspiracy Draft: It's a crazy casual draft using packs of conspiracy! Each player gets 4 packs of Consipracy to draft with. Players are then randomly assigned to groups of 3-5 to play a single multiplayer game using their draft decks. There will be prizes (packs of conspiracy if product allows). Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Sunday 8th 12:15-5pm; Tuesday 10th 5-9pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 7,14,21,28; 5-9pm.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
WPN events April, May
WPN April Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 1,8,15,22,29; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 4,11; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. We will be drafting Innistrad block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 18th; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ my 'flexable' prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
Friday: 25; 5:30-9:00pm
Prerelease - Journey into Nyx: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. A Journey into Nyx $30 sealed deck event. Each player to receive a hero kit of 6 packs from the Theros Block. Intro packs will also be available for open gaming ($15.00). Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 26; $30 regular sealed deck; 11:15am registration; Play 1:00-6:00pm
Saturday 26; Two Headed Giant Sealed Deck; $30; 4pm registration; Play 5:00-9:00pm
Sunday, 27th; $30 regular sealed deck; 12:30-5:00pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 12,19,26; 5-9pm.
WPN May Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 6,13,20,27th; 5:00-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 9,23,; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Draft Event. Drafting Return to Ravnica Block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 2,16; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Journey into Nyx Launch!: Celebrate the official launch of the Magic set Journey into Nyx in this Draft event. $20.00 entry. Special 4 pack draft format! DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Everyone who enters to receive a promotional foil. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 2rd; 5:30-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
Tues, May 30th 5:30-9:00pm
Journey into Nyx Game Day: Experience the power of play. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers. Playmat for 1st place. Here you Rule! $10.00 entry. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 24th; 11:30 registration; 12:30-6:00pm
Kaijudo, Rise of the Duel Masters
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays: 3,10,17,31; 4-7pm
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 1,8,15,22,29; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 4,11; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. We will be drafting Innistrad block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 18th; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ my 'flexable' prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
Friday: 25; 5:30-9:00pm
Prerelease - Journey into Nyx: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. A Journey into Nyx $30 sealed deck event. Each player to receive a hero kit of 6 packs from the Theros Block. Intro packs will also be available for open gaming ($15.00). Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 26; $30 regular sealed deck; 11:15am registration; Play 1:00-6:00pm
Saturday 26; Two Headed Giant Sealed Deck; $30; 4pm registration; Play 5:00-9:00pm
Sunday, 27th; $30 regular sealed deck; 12:30-5:00pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 12,19,26; 5-9pm.
WPN May Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 6,13,20,27th; 5:00-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 9,23,; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Draft Event. Drafting Return to Ravnica Block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 2,16; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Journey into Nyx Launch!: Celebrate the official launch of the Magic set Journey into Nyx in this Draft event. $20.00 entry. Special 4 pack draft format! DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Everyone who enters to receive a promotional foil. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 2rd; 5:30-9:00pm.
Friday Night Magic; Modern: Modern is non-cycling format that allows any card printed after 8th edition or Mirrodin block for use, excluding cards on the Modern banned list. Come enjoy this wonderfully diverse format. $10 entry. Prizes can be taken as packs or other magic product.
Tues, May 30th 5:30-9:00pm
Journey into Nyx Game Day: Experience the power of play. Standard constructed. Exclusive promos to be handed out to all participants and additional promos to be handed out to the top 8 finishers. Playmat for 1st place. Here you Rule! $10.00 entry. Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 24th; 11:30 registration; 12:30-6:00pm
Kaijudo, Rise of the Duel Masters
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays: 3,10,17,31; 4-7pm
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
WPN events March-April
WPN March Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays, March 4,11,18,25th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays, March 7,14,28th 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. We will be drafting Gatecrash.
Friday, March 21st. 5:30-9:00pm
Grand Prix Trial: Competitive Level event feeding GP Cincinnati. The winner of this event to receive 2 round-byes to GP Cincinnati. Format Standard. Decklists required. $15.00 entry fee. Head Judge - Dan Regewitz.
Saturday, March 2nd. 10am registration. Noon - play begins.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 1,8,22,29; 5-9pm.
Kaijudo Set Premiere - 5 Mystics: Entry $25.
Saturday 15th; 5-9pm.
WPN April Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 1,8,15,22,29; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 4,11; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. We will be drafting Innistrad block. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday, 18th; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ my 'flexable' prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. Prizes can be claimed as singles.
Friday: 25; 5:30-9:00pm
Prerelease - Journey into Nyx: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. A Journey into Nyx $30 sealed deck event. Each player to receive a hero kit of 6 packs from the Theros Block. Intro packs will also be available for open gaming ($15.00). Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 26; $30 regular sealed deck; 11:15am registration; Play 1:00-6:00pm
Saturday 26; Two Headed Giant Sealed Deck; $30; 4pm registration; Play 5:00-9:00pm
Sunday, 27th; $30 regular sealed deck; 12:30-5:00pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 12,19,26; 5-9pm.
Kaijudo Game Day: As part of International table top day, we plan on holding a special Kaijudo event. Expect our regular duel day events, but with more prizes! $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 5th 5-9pm.s
= Future Events
05-24 -14-05-4985336 -Magic Game Day JiN
Thursday, February 6, 2014
WPN Events Feb, Mar
WPN February Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 4,11,17,25th; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 14,28; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. We will be drafting Born of the Gods! $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 7,21st; 5:30-9:00pm
Born of the Gods Launch (sealed deck): What better way to celebrate a new set than to tear into some packs - and play with them! A Launch Sealed deck event. $30.00 entry.
Saturday 8th: 11:30 registration; play 12:30 - 6pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 8,15,22; 5-9pm.
WPN March Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays, March 4,11,18,25th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays, March 7,14,28th 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. We will be drafting Gatecrash.
Friday, March 21st. 5:30-9:00pm
Grand Prix Trial: Competitive Level event feeding GP Cincinnati. The winner of this event to receive 2 round-byes to GP Cincinnati. Format Standard. Decklists required. $15.00 entry fee. Head Judge - Dan Regewitz.
Saturday, March 2nd. 10am registration. Noon - play begins.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 1,8,22,29; 5-9pm.
Kaijudo Set Premiere - 5 Mystics: Entry $25.
Saturday 15th; 5-9pm.
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 4,11,17,25th; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 14,28; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. We will be drafting Born of the Gods! $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 7,21st; 5:30-9:00pm
Born of the Gods Launch (sealed deck): What better way to celebrate a new set than to tear into some packs - and play with them! A Launch Sealed deck event. $30.00 entry.
Saturday 8th: 11:30 registration; play 12:30 - 6pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 8,15,22; 5-9pm.
WPN March Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays, March 4,11,18,25th. 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays, March 7,14,28th 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. We will be drafting Gatecrash.
Friday, March 21st. 5:30-9:00pm
Grand Prix Trial: Competitive Level event feeding GP Cincinnati. The winner of this event to receive 2 round-byes to GP Cincinnati. Format Standard. Decklists required. $15.00 entry fee. Head Judge - Dan Regewitz.
Saturday, March 2nd. 10am registration. Noon - play begins.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 1,8,22,29; 5-9pm.
Kaijudo Set Premiere - 5 Mystics: Entry $25.
Saturday 15th; 5-9pm.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
WPN events Jan, Feb
WPN January Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. Decks available for use. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 7,14,21,28; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 3,10,24; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly draft. Drafting Theros. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 17; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. Prizes can be awarded as store credit.
Friday: 31; 5:30-9:00pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 4,11,18,25; 5-9pm.
WPN February Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 4,11,17,25th; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 14,28; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. We will be drafting Born of the Gods! $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 7,21st; 5:30-9:00pm
Born of the Gods Launch (sealed deck): What better way to celebrate a new set than to tear into some packs - and play with them! A Launch Sealed deck event. $30.00 entry.
Saturday 8th: 11:30 registration; play 12:30 - 6pm.
Born of the Gods Pre-release!: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. A Born of the Gods sealed deck event. $30.00 per player, each player recieves a 'faction pack' of 6 boosters. Intro packs will also be available for open gaming ($15.00). Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 02/01; 11:30am registration; Play 12:30-6:00pm
Saturday 02/01; If time allows $30 Two-Headed Giant; Registration 4pm; 5:30-9:00pm
Sunday, 02/01; $30 regular sealed deck; 12:30-5:00pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 8,15,22; 5-9pm.
Kaijudo Game Day: Do something awesome for Kaijudo Players? Sure, how about we give away a "Snow Fort" Holliday Promo, a playmat, and additional pack prizing based on attendance. $10 Entry.
Sunday, 2nd 11:30am registration; Play 12:30 - 5pm
Future Events
Grand Prix Trial (Cincinnati) 03/08/14
3/01/14 -14-03-4755803 -Game Day Born of the Gods
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. Decks available for use. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 7,14,21,28; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 3,10,24; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly draft. Drafting Theros. $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 17; 5:30-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic - Modern: Modern is a non-rotating format containing all cards from the 8th edition core set to current sets. It is quite diverse and interesting. $10.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz. Prizes can be awarded as store credit.
Friday: 31; 5:30-9:00pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 4,11,18,25; 5-9pm.
WPN February Events
Magic: The Gathering: Casual Play: Here, you rule. Come to play, trade, or build decks for Magic: the Gathering. New Players Welcome. Also frequently run odd formats such as planechase, archenemy, commander, emperor, multiplayer, etc.
Tuesdays: 4,11,17,25th; 5:00-9:00pm
Friday Night Magic: Here, you rule. Standard type 2 constructed event. $7.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Fridays: 14,28; 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday Night Magic-Draft: Here, you rule. Join us for our monthly Draft. We will be drafting Born of the Gods! $16.00 entry. DCI sanctioned w/ prize support! Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Friday: 7,21st; 5:30-9:00pm
Born of the Gods Launch (sealed deck): What better way to celebrate a new set than to tear into some packs - and play with them! A Launch Sealed deck event. $30.00 entry.
Saturday 8th: 11:30 registration; play 12:30 - 6pm.
Born of the Gods Pre-release!: Once again NDC is proud to host an officially sanctioned pre-release event. A Born of the Gods sealed deck event. $30.00 per player, each player recieves a 'faction pack' of 6 boosters. Intro packs will also be available for open gaming ($15.00). Hosted by Dan Regewitz.
Saturday 02/01; 11:30am registration; Play 12:30-6:00pm
Saturday 02/01; If time allows $30 Two-Headed Giant; Registration 4pm; 5:30-9:00pm
Sunday, 02/01; $30 regular sealed deck; 12:30-5:00pm.
Kaijudo Duel Days: We are proud to offer more fun, and challenging events with Kaijudo, rise of the Duel Masters. Casual League runs concurrently to this slightly more organized tournament event. $5.00 entry w/ prize support. Hosted by Russel Young and Dan Regewitz.
Saturdays 8,15,22; 5-9pm.
Kaijudo Game Day: Do something awesome for Kaijudo Players? Sure, how about we give away a "Snow Fort" Holliday Promo, a playmat, and additional pack prizing based on attendance. $10 Entry.
Sunday, 2nd 11:30am registration; Play 12:30 - 5pm
Future Events
Grand Prix Trial (Cincinnati) 03/08/14
3/01/14 -14-03-4755803 -Game Day Born of the Gods
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