= MtG: Magic Free Play
= Tuesday, July 22nd, 2009
About nine people showed up for our weekly free-play, including one new player. We didn’t have any extra freebies to toss around, so people just did the usual. That being a combination of talk, play, trade, and generally have fun. Speaking of talk and trade, there was (of course) some activity on both counts concerning M10. People were buying and trading M10 cards heavily. The obvious favorite is white cards - as a fair number of people are out there looking for white soldiers and more specifically Honor of the Pure.
I personally am looking forward to what appears at the table this upcoming friday for FNM. Guaranteed some people will be running some new cards. The question is how much and which cards will be run.
Picture: During free play night we always manage at least one multiplayer free-for-all, such as this one.
Honor of the Pure
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